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Enjoyed a fabulous day with Mikes family yesterday, I was dreading taking care of business, giving them pics etc...but they are such wonderfull people, we laughed ate and shed very few tears, and left feeling such love and support. I went home and had a nice evening, got up and went to work, smiling when i remembered Mike....it s day 28...although it feels like a lifetime....since I last saw him, I dont know while I am smiling and yet feel so sick inside how could this have happened, how could this have happened to such a beautifull man who was only 45! And yet how did this happen to me, how does this happen to any of us? God has got some explaining to do!!

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Hi Dave

So glad that you had such a great experience with Mike's family. I understand the external smile (that IS real) and yet feeling tormented inside. They co-exist....I am grateful for all I had and for who Bill was and sad that he is gone and still in disbelief after 14 months. You are doing great...sharing as you do. I do not understand any of it. I hope we get answers on the other side. In the meantime, you had a great day....super!! mfh

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I'm so glad his family is a good support system for you, hopefully you'll be able to stay in touch. It really helps to share memories with others that loved him. I haven't heard from George's family since his memorial service other than once when his dad called badmouthing him (a year later...BTW, he didn't attend his service) and once when his brother clamored for his possessions, nothing since. But I have my family and they loved him and share in the memories with me, thank God for them.

I hear you, it's hard to understand how/why this can happen, esp. when they were so loved and needed HERE!

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Those tsunamis hit me often at 14 months. Out of the blue I will just start sobbing as a thought or memory or who knows what hits me. It is possible that at some level, being with Mike's family was playing a behind the scenes role in your tsunami...that was a lot to deal with. Good stuff is also stressful....mfh

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