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Something That Makes Me Sick. . Vent

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I am so sorry for posting so much - but I have no one to talk to except an autistic 11 year old - an 8 year old - and two four year olds. This is just something that hit me today and it makes me sick and sad - makes me HATE the health care system here in America.

Grandma survived being a premature twin. Grandma survived 3 degree burns at the age of five. Grandma survived rheumatic fever, measles, and every other childhood disease that came her way - and this was all before antibiotics. Grandma survived hunger and poverty. Grandma survived the loss of a child. Grandma survived the loss of her husband at an early age. Grandma survived terrible loneliness. And Grandma survived Pancreatic Cancer and the Whipple Surgery. How did Grandma die - a urinary tract infection. A UTI is what cased her to go septic and die. Something they could have given her an antibiotic for - but since she was old and poor the doctors didn't treat it (even though they diagnosed it before it became septic)- and that is what she died of. Makes me sick.

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First off please don't ever apologise for posting lots, that's exactly what this site is for hun.

Oh I hear you on all that your Grandma survived yet some thing "stupid & simple" ended her life. I have a similar situation with my Dad, he survived so much hardship over the years, major surgeries where his life was hanging in the balance and in the end something I personally think should have been preventable took him away from me and nobody is accountable for it.

His treatment in the hospital will sicken me until the day I join him, so much anger for our so called "health system", it's anything but a health system. my Dad deserved so much more & unfortunately he wasn't the first and won't be the last in my mind.



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Guest Nicholas

Don't be angry with yourself for being angry, anger is perfectly "normal" and even expected - my son's life might have been saved had he been given a Hep B jab when he was negative, but it wasn't the hospital's policy to do so even with patients attending the liver clinic for cirrhosis as my son was. They have now changed their policy - too late to save him, but hopefully enough to save others. I thought about suing but couldn't face all the anguish and cost it would bring. He then contracted septicaemia (sepsis) and fell into a coma.

I have, like you, been angry, shouted, screamed, threatened legal action and also, at quieter moments, wondered "what if". I have never shouted at God because we were Buddhists and so know that my son would have accepted his Karma. But that doesn't diminish my own anger.

He was only 43.

Don't be ashamed at your anger, you loved your Grandma as I loved my son.


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I'm angry, too, but for different reasons. My mom passed away due to lung cancer and complications from the chemo. What makes me angry is that no one EVER suggested hospice to us or her despite the fact that she was SO ill and had lost SO much weight (She only weighed 68 pounds! That is not OK!). When she collapsed at home and ended up in the ER, the ER doctor was astonished that she wasn't on hospice. I'm angry because I feel like the doctors dropped the ball and my mother suffered more than she should have. Had they been paying better attention, they would have seen how badly she was doing and helped to ease her pain.

I can definitely understand why you're so angry and sick that your poor grandma survived so much hardship only to be taken away by something that could have been treated. It's terrible.

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It's ok to feel angry its one of the many phases of grief that we all experience. Your grandma seemed like a tough woman who im sure you are very proud of. It's so hard when a loved one has suffered and your left pondering every little detail of their death. I do the same thing I truly believe your grandma is in a better place watching over you, rooting for you, loving you, and seeing you through this time. I hope you find comfort knowing your not alone. Hugs

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It is hard - and it is sad. America is supposed to be the "best" country in the world - but it is not. It is very much a country divided into those who have and those who have not. I admit I have a hard time working my bum off to support people who just choose to not work - but there are lots of people out there right now who want to work and can't - either because of health reasons or just not being able to find a job. The health care system in this country should be the same for everyone - not different for one person because they have more money or a different insurance. Makes me sick. My Grandpa fought in WWII - got sick and died young because of it - working hard his entire 53 years of life. My Grandma worked hard - but never had a lot of money after Grandpa died (he had been sick for a while with strokes and such so what savings they had got eaten up by medical bills). She was a great person and she was no less deserving than anyone else - she just had less money. It is wrong that they do this to people.

Thank you for that link - I cried reading it but it did remind me of my Grandma!


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Guest Nicholas

Dear Angel,

The British National Health Service - free for all - was once the envy of the world; now it is a sad, sorry, sick national disgrace.

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