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My Michael Is Traveling...

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I hope this does not sound too strange to you, and that I don't offend anyone, but my Michael is traveling. My friend Tom is on his way to spend 10 days in Puerto Rico. He has some ashes of his late wife Ann, of my husband Michael, and dirt from the grave of our dear friend Dana's husband's grave (Morris). He is also going to Brazel in September, and again, taking them with him to be scattered to the wind. We feel that the three of them would love the idea. They would love to have visited those places, and we felt it right to scatter memories of them there.

Mike loved to travel to different places, but for one reason and another, (mostly financial) we did not really do a lot of traveling. We did do some, and I am very grateful for those trips. We had big plans for retirement, to travel. Well, guess what, he did not make it to retirement. He died at age 62.

My friend Tom tells me that when their kids were pretty young, he and Ann decided, whether they could afford it really or not, holidays would be when they would take real trips. Ann had lost an uncle, and they had waited until he retired to travel. They did not get to travel, he died 2 months after retirement. So Tom and Ann decided they would not wait for retirement. How wise, as Ann died at age 60 of cancer. This was a woman who never smoked, never drank, had only good to say about people. Go Figure!! Her youngest daughter is going to be having their first grandchild in August, due only a couple of days after Ann's birthday. Ann should have been here for this! But as we have all learned, life is not fair, and there is no understanding why things happen as they do.

So, Ann, Mike and Morris' memories are going to be scattered in Puerto Rico and Brazel this year. No telling where they will go next year.

Miss Mike so so much, and also miss Ann and Morris, who were dear friends. Tom, Dana and I have formed a very close tight trio, and we have each other's back, just like the people here on this forum. I am grateful for them, and for all of you. Could not have made it through the last 1 1/2 years without all of you.

I am kind of rambling, forgive me, I guess this is one of my really blue nights. I do pretty good most of the time, but there are still hard days, and this is one of them.

Thanks for being here.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Dear Mary,

I love this idea. I took Jane's wedding and engagement ring with me when I went west for Christmas. And i so know what you mean about travel. we had those kinds of plans. Now...Well her rings are still around my neck--so she goes where I go.



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Dear Mary,

I think this is a great idea. I wish them a healthy trip and Michael, will get to travel in spirit to these exotic places. Stay strong and keep going. Your friends are a lot like mine. Donna and Greg. They are my new family now and we are bless by the lord every day for our relationship.

God Bless,


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I put my husbands ring on a chain as soon as I got home from the hospital after saying "good-bye" for the last time, 14 weeks ago tomorrow. He had lost so much weight and I had him give it to me a couple of weeks before because he had lost it in bed once not long before that. I have never and will never be able to take it off. I feel as if he is still with me that way.

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That sounds like a nice idea. My husband had plans to go so many places and we never got to go. He was on dialysis for over 9 years. But it was home dialysis, makes it easier. He just wasn't up to it. I'm still waiting for my husbands ashes. May not get them for 2 more years. He went to science, just want he wanted and they can hold the bodies for 5 weeks to 2 years. He will be gone 14 weeks tomorrow. But when he does finally come home to me, I am planning on getting a couple of necklaces so he will never leave my side. They have necklaces and braclets made just for carrying ashes.

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