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Jackson Was Family!

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Hello everyone,

I'm a new member, still learning my way around this site. I'd like to talk about Jackson; my furry son. He was a cocker spaniel mix who died 11/2009. I adopted Jackson in 1996. I knew that he was special when he was the only dog NOT barking at the pound. We were a perfect match. He was a very smart, loyal, lovable member of the family. Jackson experienced so much of my life with me. He moved with me from city to city, even from TX to FL, then back to TX. He was with me when my father passed away, and when my mother passed away almost two years later. Through the deaths of both of my parents, I also dealt with a bad marriage. Jackson was with me before, during, and after that marriage finally ended.

He was very communicative and ultimately loyal. His health declined in 2009; he was getting ear infections more frequently and overall health was deteriorating due to age...cataracts, hearing loss, etc. Jackson was a trooper til the end; when I came to terms with having to put him to sleep, we had a talk about things. Jackson understood me. Fate put a great man in my life, who is now my fiance, and i think that Jackson somehow knew that it was time to go ahead and let go, bcs he knew I would not be alone, bcs I had someone to help take care of me. I truly think that Jackson held on for that reason. When I met my fiance, he accompanied me to the animal shelter when I had to have him put down. It was one of the most difficult things I had to do, but I knew it was time for him to move on...i know he's like a guardian angel, right up there with my parents, watching over me. Now I know that he's happy, healthy, and probably enjoying his time in heaven, which he surely deserves. Having jackson for 13 years was a blessing in my life. He was my family; a constant companion through the worst times of my life. He gave his heart unconditionally to me and in return I loved him with all of my heart. I still grieve for him, I still shed tears when I think about him, I will never forget him. He touched my life profoundly. I have more to share but this is a good start... I know that some of you can truly relate to this and I welcome your support.

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You've described your Jackson beautifully, my dear, and I can certainly understand why you still miss him so much. These angelic creatures have a way of insinuating themselves into our hearts in a way that is different from every other relationship we have ~ including those we have with people. They are so innocent, so trusting, so genuine, so honest, so giving, so selfless, so real, so in-the-moment. Is it any wonder that we love them so much, and that we miss them so terribly when they are gone? You've found your way to a very warm and caring place, my dear, as here you are among kindred spirits: animal lovers for sure. We welcome you

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We truly do know your loss...every now and then a very special dog comes along and enriches our lives, and they are never forgotten.

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Thank you both for your replies. I appreciate the support. It was a very difficult time and, like losing a person, is not something one can just 'get over' with a little time.

I also experienced a terrible legal ordeal, as a result of putting my 15 year old Jackson to sleep. It's a horrible but real story that I am still dealing with now.

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