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My Sweet Baby Kakashi


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My parrot who was also my baby passed away this weekend. He died because I felt it was too cruel to clip his wings and while I was away the person I left to watch over my house left ceiling fans on. I never turn them on and I don't blame him I never told him not to. Kakashi, my parrot flew straight into the fan. It was a horrible accident his cage was shut but he was sneaky and could open the door. I feel like its my fault like i am a horrible mother! I should have clipped his wings, I should have banned the fans, I should have double locked the cage! I miss him and I don't know where to begin letting go!

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I am sorry, Manda. It is so hard when an accident happens that we wish we could have prevented. I know you would have if you would have had any idea, but sometimes we just can't foresee everything. Unfortunately, death is usually a difficult thing, no matter who it comes to or by what mode. I know you will miss your little companion. (((hugs)))

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I am so sorry for your loss. I have to agree with Kay, there is just no way to foresee accidents. I just lost my best friend yesterday and I feel as if I lost a part of myself. Death is the hardest part of life. It is something we all will experience and we all will have loved ones leave us. I just don't think it is possible to plan for the event of death. There is a story I heard a while back ( so I don't remember the details too well) but it goes something like this:

One day Buddha is approached by a frantic women, her son is dying and she begs him to save her son. So Buddha says I can save your son. First you must get me some spice from a household that has never experienced death. So this mother went through the whole town knocking on doors, asking has anyone ever died here? Yes..my wife, my husband, my mother, my father: she was told.

When she returned to the Buddha she realized that death happens to us all. It is not because you did anything wrong. In my opinion if your time is up, it is up. Kasashi had finished his mission here on earth. He brought you love and helped you love. Kakashi did what he was supposed to do and you helped him fulfill his mission.

How do we go on after we loose our best friend? We mourn, we feel the feelings, we talk about it and we take it one day at a time. There is no fix for this type of loss and there is no shame for feeling lost and lonely. Please respond and let me know how you are holding up.

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Rockdog, I am also sorry for your loss. You are right, it IS losing part of yourself when we are connected. My dog is my best friend and companion and when he goes, I will lose a huge part of myself.

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Yes it is very hard. I knew when Rock passed it would be very hard. But until it happens, you dont know how painful it really is or you forget how painful it can be. It is akin to trying to imagine what it would be like to get hit in the head with a baseball bat. The idea is nothing compared to the reality.

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