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What Happened With The Death

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I didn't now where to fit this question in so I started a new topic. I wanted to ask - particularly Marty and Mary because they might know - if a person (me) has a right to acquire the medical records of another (husband). I still have questions about what tests, treatments, etc. were done to and for him during the weeks he was hospitalized prior to his death. Let me just add that it wouldn't be helpful to call his personal physicians - I already tried that with his family doctor and she said it would not be her right to see the hospital records. I don't remember the names of the doctors who treated him in the hospital - it seemed to be a different one every day. I would just like to know the facts about what was happening to his body - not that it makes any difference now - but....... If I call the hospital and ask for his medical records, will I be starting a futile attempt that will only aggravate and frustrate me? Am I allowed to see his records legally?

Thank you,


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Rita, I believe if you had medical power of attorney you have a right to the records. As his wife I would think you would also..but I am not sure of that. But I urge you to ask yourself what good will this be for you. You are already questioning that yourself. I did get my husband's records early on and frankly I have never looked at them

. Are you suggesting malpractice ? Do you have evidence? If that is the case you need an attorney. But it seems from what you are saying, and I may be wrong, that it is not about malpractice but more about wanting evidence that he was treated as well as he should have been...knowing also that perfect does not exist. Think hard about why you want to get them before you go forward. It could become a distraction from your healing journey.

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Dear Rita,

I had to get all of Doug's records from two hospitals when he was transferred to a third, and had no trouble getting them. There are two banker's boxes filled with records, images, and lots and lots of papers. I have never looked at them, and will no doubt eventually just shred them.

I agree with Mary that you need to think hard about why you want them, because those records are going to bring up a lot of painful memories that you don't need to revisit. Unless you think that there is malpractice, then you should talk with an attorney. I know a lot of things were done wrong with Doug, but quite honestly, it is enough to cope with him being gone, without all the aggravation and revisiting the last months.

If you can do without this project, I really encourage you to let it all go and focus on healing your own grief and pain, and taking very good care of your body and heart.

All good wishes whatever you decide, and I hope you are finding a little peace each day.



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Thank you both. No, I'm not thinking of malpractice. I just wanted to understand what was going on with him, but I think, as you both said, it will only make things harder for me. It won't change anything. I believe you have given me good advice. It's just another way of my wanting to fight against the reality of what has happened and not accept it.


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Good for you, Rita. When Bill died I wanted those records also and got them and then decided to put them in a box and someday toss them out. I, too, did not want to accept his death...that was a long time ago....March 27, 2010 and I look back and know that putting them away was a wise decision. I could not bring him back and that was my wish.

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I do not know about the autopsy record. I imagine that varies from state to state or even site to site. I imagine you will have to request it.

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