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I Don't Want A New Title

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The world may have a new title for me but I'm still Gene's wife and proud to be! I finally got the courage up today to go to the local VA office and order Gene's militay memorial plaque. So of course forms to be filled and as the man went through each blank he got to "relationship". I said wife...he said widow. It was like a train had hit me. Yes, the love of my life is not physically here with me but I'm still HIS WIFE. And I still will be when it's my time to join Gene!

Then there's those tax papers that had to be done. I've put that off but decided today since I was already upset I might as well finish that too...write "deceased" next to Gene's name like he's being wiped away. The world may try and wipe his memory away but as long as I am here...as long as children and grandchildren are here...Gene's love will always be here...he'll still touch the world.

Just had to vent tonight. Perhaps before I go to sleep I'll find my way to somewhere between tears and anger. I've bounced between both all day today.

I don't care about the world Gene....I just LOVE YOU!

Always Gene!


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Guest Guest_Deborah_*

Reading your post made me cringe. It is hard to figure out where I fit now that Larry is gone. I had reached out to a group here for the young newly widowed. They sent a newsletter with their plans for a cruise, ski trip and so on. I'm not even interested in that. One of the articles was titled, when to remove your rings? My God, that hadn't occurred to me. Why would someone do that? It's all too soon for me. I'm still to lost. I know how you feel. Even though he is gone, my love is still here.

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The world may have a new title for me but I'm still Gene's wife and proud to be! ... Yes, the love of my life is not physically here with me but I'm still HIS WIFE. And I still will be when it's my time to join Gene!

... The world may try and wipe his memory away but as long as I am here...as long as children and grandchildren are here...Gene's love will always be here...he'll still touch the world.

I don't care about the world Gene....I just LOVE YOU!

Always Gene!


Dear Evelyn - Believe me I know where you are coming from

Whenever I need some reassurance that LOVE IS FOREVER I just listen to this song, one of my Jeannie's favorites,:

Link to my memories

As this song tells us:

The heart does go on! Love lasts for our lifetime and never stops.

Someday we will be once again with our Gene and Jean. They are here with us in our hearts and that's why we can go on.

Gene is waiting patiently and watching over you, your children and grandchildren and is so proud of you. I am sure of that :)

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How I could relate to your post, Evelyn! I don't even know how to do my tax return this year or what to put...do I list his income and deductions or do I have to ignore all that as if he/we didn't exist? I am so confused! Not all of my papers have come in yet so I've been ignoring it so far. I had the same experience when I went to the social security office and she told me my marriage ended in death...that was just a few days after he died and I cried and cried as I left there. Neither of us wanted our marriage to "end"! We love each other, we love each other still, and that can never change! I miss him so incredibly! Each and every day I am reminded...I run across things he did for me, things he bought for me, I am reminded of his million little kindnesses...I can never forget, nor would I ever want to. I think of my husband lying there in the hospital bed, and I am overcome with emotion and longing and pain...it never quits, it never goes away. The world can call it whatever it wants but for the rest of us, we are lost in limbo...

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Oh my gosh...I can totally relate. I have been through my first tax year without him - it sucked! In relating to the thing about people thinking they are wiping our lost ones out, I remember that before Charlie passed away we were trying to get SS disability for him. WHAT A NIGHTMARE!! BUT what I remember so clearly, after he passed, is receiving a letter from social security and in it it stated that our marriage had been "ended" by death. I became hysterical!!! I will never forget that. As you said, I didn't WANT my marriage ended. It's been almost 15 months for me and at present I have no desire to take my rings off.

I hate when telemarketers call and ask if "he's" there. I know right then and there that they don't know me. Just brings up awful memories.

I don't like thinking about the hospital stay. I wish I could get those kind of memories out of my head.

The things that make me cry are the little things, as someone here said. His phone call to me each day when he got home, just to tell me he was home OK. Things we would laugh about - I miss his laugh A LOT!!! He was so witty and used to make me laugh all the time. I don't laugh nearly as much anymore...

Here is to better moments for all of us!!!!

My thoughts are with all of you.


(Charlie - 6/10/58-11/16/2004)I miss you SO MUCH, Honey!!!!

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