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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Forever Bella


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Last Saturday I had one of the most devastating experiences of my life. My precious fur baby Bella passed away unexpectantly. I woke up that morning and saw she had labored breathing. I took her to the nearest vet immediately but before that added tremendous stress driving her in the car. Once there and after X-rays it was determined she had fluid in her lungs. How could this all be happening?? She has been healthy everyday of her life until now. After many hours of oxygen therapy and medicine she was looking better and they decided to release us home. It felt as if a weight was lifted when they said her color was back and her breathing was better. Once we got home, she did calm down and I was snuggling as much as I could with her. However, she wanted to be near me but yet by herself. Some hours went by and she seemed fine even eating and drinking. We thought what a wonderful sign!! who knew in a few hours she would take her last breath. 

Believe me when I say she was the most amazing cat to me. We were inseparable at home....I couldn't even shut the bathroom door without her paw coming under the door and her trying to get beyond any barrier in our way. She slept with her head on my pillow and her paws wrapped around my arm or face. This fluff ball has made my life so happy for the past years and now I find myself looking for her around every corner. I call her name, feel her walking on the comforter, crying every moment that is now my reality. She gave so much of herself and everything about her was love. My chest feels heavy and I find everything in my life looks different. I was so blessed that we were together for the time we had and I would of never traded that.....but I just want her here and in my arms. 

Everyone who says they have a perfect cat is absolutely right. I have read some discussions on others who have lost their companions and there is common heartache. At this moment I feel lost, heartbroken, lonely, wishful that one day I will see my previous Bella again. 

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I am so sorry.  Your Bella sounds like my Chappy, I lost him several years ago.  He's the only cat I had that slept with his arms around my neck and his face burrowed into my neck.  I know you miss her and are going to feel this for a very long time...a part of it never seems to go away.  It's hard to understand how they can be so much a part of our lives...and then die.  I'm sure you will be with your Bella again, just as we all will with those most precious of all, our furbabies.

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Thank you so much for your reply. You are so right how they are so much part of our lives and then one day we are left with their memory. Your Chappy sounds amazing as well. Bella was always the one to reach my heart in times of grief. She was constant love and acceptance. It is truly a gift what we learn from our fur babies. 

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Hi - I know what you are saying 100%.   I am so sorry your Bella had to leave you.  It leaves us such an emptiness.  And all that you feel is perfectly normal.

In May my Gb kitty had to be let go and that was devastating.  He was my soul kitty and loyal as could be.   I still have hi bro and have adopted two youngsters end of August as life in this house had to become a home again.   Miss Gb but his spirit is very strong in the male youngster.  

let us see a picture of Bella when you can.

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Your Bella is beautiful, I can see why you miss her so.

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Oh Oh Oh~   Sweet Bella.   Thanks so much for showing us her photo.  What a beautiful ball of fluff.

Our grief trip sure is a long road .  But there are smiles on the way as we remember the dear one's love and daily behaviors.  And tears as we do remember.

Allow yourself to be open to her spiritual presence around you.  I know you'd prefer she'd be there in body however it is a great gift when they can be with us in spirit.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel for you and understand your grief. My 2 cat children LOML are gone and I think about them every day and call their names.

Even other cat owners often do not get it. Cannot grasp it. So too, many therapists. You will persevere!

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