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Everything posted by KarenK

  1. Holidays, except Christmas, usually don't affect me one way or another, but this one depressed me. Perhaps it's because I don't feel well or don't have the financial means to pack up and get out of town. A news story centered on vehicles loaded with coolers and camping stuff, people heading for the mountains or lakes. It brought to mind the many times we did the same or were off to the cabin. Some memories are nice, but others are so very painful.
  2. My teeth are like a comedy of errors only I'm not laughing. Two visits back, my dentist tried to fill a groove in my one remaining molar but the tooth kept crumbling. He did the best he could with it. This afternoon I discovered that the back side of that tooth is crumbling, so guess I'll go in when this infection is gone. I guess I might as well laugh. Sure can't do anything else.
  3. Isn't it funny how dogs(especially big ones) are all ferocious and brave until you turn on the vacuum. Then they run for the hills. Our dogs don't like yelling either, which my grandson does a lot. They cower or run to me for safety. I know he loves them, but doesn't seem to care that he's frightening them. Hope he wakes up one day.
  4. Kay, the tooth was filled about 10 days ago with a medicated filling as a precaution. Evidently it didn't do the trick. I seem to have very fragile teeth(only have 10 left now) and gums and it just got worse after Ron died. Go figure. I've never been a milk drinker and smoking probably doesn't help. The pain got me up after 4 hours of sleep at 6 AM so I took another pain pill and put an ice pack on it. Are we having fun yet?
  5. I bought a kiddie pool to bathe Marley. She hates water. Wouldn't go near it. She avoids the yard sprinkler. Tatum thinks she is a fish. Loves the water. Loves to lay under the sprinkler and "bite" the water. They just get bathed with the hose.
  6. Gin, another one I enjoyed was "Victoria". I got it at the library so don't know if it's still around on tv, maybe on PBS. Unfortunately, the series wasn't long enough. She was so frightened to have her first child and swore she'd never do it again! She had 9 children.
  7. I finally decided to call my dentist at home yesterday, not realizing it's a holiday weekend. Really hated to do that, but my face decided to swell up. The cavity he filled last was really deep which may have set off an infection. Nice guy that he is, he called back this morning and will call in a script. I'm watching Season 3 of "The Crown". Never realized there was so much intrigue in the British government. And that Princess Margaret, what a gal! Very entertaining series.
  8. So many men.....so little time! lol Is the loneliness showing? For me it's Kevin Costner, Patrick Swayzee, and Daniel Day Lewis, but only in "Last Of The Mohicans". That's the first 3 that come to mind. Ron's was Rene Russo and Xena(can't remember the actress, but I bought him a Xena doll one Xmas). The stripper thing is funny, Gwen. Never had the guts to go into a sex shop. Went into a topless bar once with my ex, but they threw me out. I was only 17, but it was a real eye opener for naive me. I was 16 when we married and dumber than dirt. He was a sailor and worked part time nights at a gas station in downtown Long Beach. I used to go down there to sit with him and noticed the same women walking past every hour with different men. I asked him what they were doing. When he told me, I was stunned. I didn't even know what a hooker was. We were married for 9 years and I learned the hard way that life was not a fairy tale. I was a little less stupid when I married Ron.
  9. I watched a movie about Barbara Mandrell tonight. Being a "country" fan, I've always liked her music, but had no idea she is so talented. From a young age, she has played the steel guitar, accordion, saxophone, and banjo, to name a few. She fought her way back from a devastating accident in 1984 that almost destroyed her marriage and family. One talented lady. I thought sure I was done with tooth pain after the last filling, but for some reason that area is aching really bad. I took 2 Tramadol about 6 pm and they didn't touch the pain. Of course my dentist is closed tomorrow. I tried watching a porn flick back when we were first married. All it did was embarrass me. Just not my thing, I guess.
  10. I can certainly understand why you're so hesitant about the back surgery. There are so many factors to consider. My grandson says our Netflix is technically "streaming". I get it on my cable as Cox has paired with Netflix to provide it or on my computer or Kindle. I have the tier that allows 2 devices at the same time as my grandson watches stuff also. Will keep it for a few months. I also swear like a sailor if I'm mad. I watch a lot of rough movies and don't mind the swearing but this was beyond ridiculous. I'm not positive but I think it was "End Of Watch", a cop movie. I am doing okay, I guess. I haven't ventured out again since my "big" dollar store trip last week, so haven't got a haircut yet. Was kind of waiting for the rest of the prisoners to get theirs cut. I have given up on a sleeping schedule. When I start falling asleep in the chair, I go to bed, usually for two to four hours. Then I get back up until I'm sleepy again Works better than staring at the ceiling with my heart pounding(still haven't figured that out yet). I have nowhere to go(no gas to get there) and no one to talk with, except the guys and folks here and my constant furry companions(they are always with me). It's not much of a life anymore, but I might as well accept it.
  11. Gwen, I don't remember you mentioning how your pain management appointment went on Monday. Any help there at all? Hallmark channel is having free movies all month so I've watched a lot of those. I don't care for romance movies, but they have a lot of dramas also. It's nice to watch a movie with "clean" dialogue. Turned on some movie on Netflix yesterday where every sentence had the "F" word. If they had removed that word, it would have been a silent film. Enough is too much. I turned it off. Hope all goes well with your appointment tomorrow.
  12. Kay, I must have missed something. Why no coffee? Is it a diet requirement of did you just run out? Coffee is a must for me. I go through a pot a day. Son doesn't drink it, grandson rarely. It's all on me.
  13. Here's a silly positive for me. Starz is having a free weekend so I'm able to watch Season 5 of Outlander(my favorite series). Oh to be 50 years younger๐Ÿ˜
  14. We seem to be opening up quickly, only a week or so between phases. Some "experts" say too quickly. We're still having multiple deaths in nursing homes and entire staffs testing positive. I will admit that I had second thoughts about going into a store and I think my son was nervous about it, but I figured "what the heck". I don't think anybody really knows how the virus is transmitted and you can't live in a bubble forever. I didn't linger and look around like I love to do in the dollar store. You never know what you'll find. I spent a few minutes looking through the reading glasses for a new pair, but everything else was "grab and go". Will just keep my fingers crossed, I guess.
  15. I made my first trip out into civilization today. Stopped at the dollar store for a few things on the way home from the dentist. Everything was normal except for the X's on the floor and a few people wearing masks. Washed my hands when I got home. Arizona is opening back up completely on Friday with safety precautions. Welcome to the New World. Anybody else coming off "lockdown" soon?
  16. PERFECT! Just perfect, Kieron. It's scary when you begin to identify with these crazy old ladies.๐Ÿ˜Š All gone now except Rose. Don't think you're old enough to remember Carol Burnett's show, but the skits they did had you laughing to tears. Harvey Korman could never get through one without cracking up over crazy Tim Conway. I'm far from a prude, but I enjoyed that humor so much more than some of today's garbage. My son is 41 and doesn't get the "oldsters" comedy. Sad, but a sign of the times.
  17. Our girls had crock pot chicken with their food tonight. They always get a little of whatever we're having and they get the last two bites off my plate. Spoiled like yours. The series I mentioned were all on dvd from the library. Will have to wait for the current season of Outlander. It airs on Stars which I don't have. I used to have long hair and got it done up in a fancy style every week. It no longer meshed with my outdoor lifestyle after I married Ron so I had it chopped off in 1976 and never looked back. I'm jealous of your enchiladas and beans๐Ÿ˜
  18. I guess I mostly try to focus on the small positive things like managing 4 hours of sleep(a rare event for me.....2 is the norm), an enjoyable movie, creating a pretty necklace. Of course, I'm not in extreme pain either. Anything very physical and I too am useless, short of breath and tire quickly. I just accept it and move on to something else. Salons opened yesterday. Horrendous wait times. Decided to wait a while longer for a haircut. Don't know if you're into colonial or viking type series but I liked Poldark, Victoria, The Last Kingdom, and Outlander(my favorite). I suppose my favorite new series is 9-1-1. I don't like comedies much but loved Carol Burnett Show and The Golden Girls. Now I'm really showing my age.
  19. What a slap in the face for you! Is the government efficient or what? After 7 years, I still get mail addressed to Ron. Usually it's something medical. I feel like calling the hearing aid place and telling them no matter how great their hearing aid is, he's not going to be able to hear with it, I don't waste my time. So much stupidity in the world!
  20. We are heading for 107 tomorrow. Welcome to Hell!๐Ÿ˜
  21. Ron has been gone seven years today, yet he remains in every room. I so wish I had been able to flee this place, but it was not meant to be. I have aged so much since he and Debbie left. I once had visions of traveling. They never came to pass and now it is too late. They say happiness is where you find it. I don't even know where to begin searching. The merry go round of life is spinning too fast and the brass ring eludes me. My mind still see all the things I want to do and can't. If I manage to get one task a day done(like vacuuming), I consider it an accomp!ishment. This from someone who used to "spit and polish" the whole house once a week. Age and lack of energy has a way of lowering standards. We've hit that time of year where it's too blasted hot to be outdoors for long even if I had the energy for activity. It will be this way until October. Good a time as any to be stuck in the house, I guess.
  22. Hey Cookie! So nice to hear from you again. Rio is adorable and looks so intelligent. My daughter had Cocker Spaniels named Rio and Lobo(after the John Wayne movie). Lobo was a sweetie. Rio was not. Yep, we're all hating this lockdown. Hope you are doing well also.
  23. Little by little, our country's morale is being destroyed. Soon we will be past the "peaceful" protests. Officials won't have to worry about virus death statistics. We'll be killing each other.
  24. Arizona is partially reopening on May 4 with non essential retailers providing products by pickup or delivery which is no different than what they've been doing all along. Can't figure that one out. The following week, restaurants can reopen for dining in. No mention yet for services like salons or medical or for jobs in general, except "stay at home order" extended until May 15. Personally, I'd rather be getting a haircut than dining in. Some places in Wickenburg(40 miles E of Phoenix) have had enough and are opening now defying the "order" which is not a law despite threats of legal action. Will be interesting to see the outcome.
  25. Well, color me stupid for sure. Although I'm way more careful with money than I was back in my gambling days, I still use a couple of credit cards each month to buy things that are out of the budget like dog meds and a few beads(to give me something to do). I never peruse the statements for charges assuming I know what's been charged. I'm more interested in the payment. WRONG! I never could figure out why I had free Amazon Prime on this Kindle and decided it was a freebie with the purchase. I found out that Amazon Prime could be linked to my Cox cable account so I could watch the movies on my tv. I decided to link the accounts. Per instruction, I signed into my Amazon account and up pops this message saying my account would renew on May 24. WHOA! I looked into my account memberships and lo and behold, they have charged my credit card on file $14.04 each month since January. I NEVER NOTICED! It seems that a free month of Amazon Prime comes with a Kindle purchase and if you don't cancel, they just charge the credit card on file. I cancelled it. Pretty dang expensive for the 2 movies I watched on the Kindle. Live and learn, I guess.
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