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Everything posted by Anearia

  1. Hi Kay. I am so sorry to have offended you. it was certainly not my intention, I do think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I was by no means undermineing anyones grief. on the contrary-what I was trying to get at with the whole ''moving on'' thing all the time from outsiders was that it is subconciously important to them, to feel that we are moving on as their own minds and situation cannot comprehend what we are going through. [in whatever terms that means to the individual-whether in grief or consoling someone grieveing]. 

    anyway. I am sorry. I wont bother you guys again.

    sincerest apologies


    1. kayc


      I am not at all offended, I'm sorry you thought that.  Just the words "move on" is enough to strike a chord with me because my George and I were the love of each other's life, we were so close, we didn't ask to be separated through death and you DO hear people say "You need to move on", as if!  I will never choose to move on from any of his love or leave him behind or forget him in any manner.  To me, the grief journey is about adjusting to our new reality and making our life something livable, that two fold purpose.  It's not about moving on from the one we love.

      You have not bothered any of us in the least and I certainly hope you don't disappear on us!

    2. Anearia


      Thanks KayC. Have a great week.


    3. kayc
  2. Hi Everyone, geez, been watching the weather online-seems everyones getting it, I have family in Qatar and UAE they are paddling down the streets-unheard of. Luckily for us here in SA, rains have finally started and the worst drought in 18 years is getting some relief. Poor farmers. I was right about bracing for a fall. OMG yesterday was awfull!!! talk about crash and burn... I just sobbed all day and got no work done. Totaly debilitated. exhauseted by the whole thing. found a little book from Lars' Ouma [grandmother-alive at 98!!! and was still driving last year....most difficut person to tell when he left], any way book's called The Evolution Angel by dr Micheal Abrams published in 2000. Some of it is awful, sore, but theres some useful stuff in there as well, which helped to settle me a bit. I think you can download it online. I see many of us have been talking about how everyone expects us to ''get over it'' and ''move on''... My little experience has been that its generally the folks who have not lost a partner who dont get it. Sadly I have many freinds who have lost their other halves-they've all been amazing, and seem to know when to back off and when to be there. I must admit-before I lost Lars I was also very pushy towards them. I didnt understand. I meant well, but I just didnt understand. The pushy ones do mean well, and I think for them to see us ''moving on'' etc is very mportant as they are using our example for when they one day have to go through what we are now. Everyone would love to be able to ''move on'' to a certain extent. Subconciously they all want to believe that its not so bad, that they would be stronger etc etc... So they try to help us by being positive and happy and blah blah blah... Once you experience death at such a close range, holes open up in ones world. big black holes of nothingness that one can never imagine closing up. So as a trueStar trek fan my advice to myself is : Embrace the holes, they are part of us to, and although they may seem impossible to navigate now, they may one day lead us to new worlds of wonderous beauty. Speaking of which- the pic below is the view from my studio this morning. There's a little ditty from the band Passenger which I aways find so lovely. I hope they brighten your day just a little. Today will be better. The dogs are all very excited again-its Friday and Lars is meant to be home today-I dont know how they know the days of the week, I hardly know anymore. My folks are artists, and Dad is casting tommorrow [in bronze, we have a small foundry on the farm], gonna be tough day. Lars used to assist and loved it so much. strength and love to you all. may each day be lighter, and gentler. Passenger - Feather on the Clyde.mp4
  3. Ihearthim and Gwenivere, I am suffering a huge amount of giult already as our last year and particularly the last few months were horrible. there had been talk of divorce and such nastiness. we still loved each other and cared but the day to day was pretty unbearable.Then the last week things were so much better, He was off the booze again, and starting to talk to each other. and then he was gone. me the tough cow not wanting to back down and apologise and Lars probably not even aware that he had to say he was sorry about hisbehaviour.[he died suddenly, no warning or nything, just 2 days feeling grotty in bed and the quack saying he might have pancreatitis on the Friday-he was gone by 0900 on the saturday, at home]. I get the feeling that we need to accept thatthey too are having to move on with their lives-in what evr form that may be. I do think that it is in our best interests to try to do that. I know that Lars wouldnt want me to mourn him forever, but I also know he wouldnt want to be forgotten. So i will try to move on-and not feel giulty about it, as he is quite probably watching over my shoulder, or maybe he's to busy with his new life to be that worried about what I am up to! I will always rememeber him and honour that memory-and also respect the choice he made when he left here so graciously releasing me from the burden of having to spend my life nurseing for him. he woldve hated that and probably have done himself an injury if that was how it panned out... At least thats one area-if I ever get there where I wont feel giulty-probably more lonely, but not giulty. I think i said once before that the way I am feeling is a very selfish giult. because, its about me, how I behaved towards Lars, I am seeking forgivness and almost permission in a way to feel grief. Its like after all the horrible things I said dont have the rigth now to feel sorry and sd that he's gone.
  4. Thanks KAYC! I keep saying im off to bed! forgetting of course that you guys are in a different tme zone to me! its 23h00 here! Ja, I will hang tough-just need to figure out htis thing with my Dad and the bakkie. tough one. and I ammnot ready for those kind of ddeisions. Dads very much a ''you scretch my back and I will scretch yours'' kinda guy. he just recently agreed to me bringing the horses home from the livery that I have been using for the past few years, and I dont want to jeopardise that. maybe I am being unfair about him, in this-I just dont want to gve up my Lars's bakkie. i like to just sit in it sometimes. okay. definetly off to bed. gettig all teary, and i have been so strong today. Thanks everyone. gnite. good luck with that dodgey weather coming in-Im a bit of a weather nut and had a peek at the satelite pics a few hours ago. lotsa love
  5. SCBA thank you, yes, that makes sense! Grief certainly is complex... Keeping myself busy analizeing my own grief is all that keeps me going at the moment. Lars always teased me about thriving on information-it would appear he was right as usual. Much strength everyone. Thank you for being here
  6. gos h, I know I said I was going to bed.... but the posts of the last 19hours just suddenly popped up...not sure exactly how to respond directly to people, without sending personal messages. so if someone could please advise on that I would appreciate it thanks. thats not why Im still up though.... I am wondering if this migration from openly admitting to folks that we aint coping to slowly acting that we are ok is not perhaps exactly how it should be? it makes sense to me somehow that we would start to release others from our burdens as we are slowly becoming stronger and more able to fend for ourselves. Kevin, you mentioned something about a conversation a time back about colours? moving from grey to orange? I know aswell that i am almost possesive about my grief and am finding that, although its only been weeks since Lars went, that I dont want to share anything with anyone. I want him all to myself. I have been invited out this coming Sunday and am seriously considering going-if only to show those so concerned about me that i am ok-well, thats what I want them to think. [well, thats what my motivation seems to be, now that I have thought about it a bit more and read all these posts]. i like to analize things, to research my own emotions and disect them for my own desperation to understand the general insanity surrounding life. Since I lost my True Love all my old interests are somehow meaningess. hollow. vacant. I apologise if my comments offend anyone-I tend to offend most people. It is not my intention at all. I am so grateful to have this platform where we can share our feelings with others in the same leaky boat. pain makes one say strange and obscure things strength to all
  7. Hi SCBA, i am intrigued by this phrase, i have re read it a few times since you posted it. Could you expand on it for me please? I am not entirely sure I understand. thanks what you say about acting is so true-and also what Kevin said in the previous post. its almost like a subconcious rehearsal for how we will learn to cope and move on, or our gaurdian Angels giving us a repreive and insight at the same time. I am always so surprised when i cope well in a situation that i expect to be a disaster. At the moment i feel as if i am coping too well too quickly. when i listen to myself i sound like i'm a pro at this but meanwhile its only been a few days since my life was so dramatically and sadly shattered. it all sounds so melo dramatic and its horrible. like a bad movie with Bgrade actors-full circle form the acting to the reality. this sounds ridiculous sorry. im rambling again. its bizzare how the mind works and often leads one to express written words where thoughts cant go. I must go to bed. good night all. may tomorro be better for all of us. my love to all of you
  8. One of Lars' favourite saying was ''Good things come to those who wait...''' That one sure dont fly in current circumstances.... I did have a breakthrough of sorts this week-wanted to mention it earlier but forgot. After Lars left, I couldnt remember what he used to call me. not at all. but i woke up in the middle of the night on Sunday remembering ''Pumkie'' as in Pumkin, He called me Pumkie. I miss him so much.
  9. HI Froggie, and Everyone else out there tonight. ja, I dont know how I would cope without them. I have also got two horses watching my back Drifter the big lad is very soppy and cuddly since Lars left but Havanna doesnt really wana chat! She's got humpalitis! Flashy aso very down in the dumps today. The best thing about the Furries is that they dont ask ''How I'm doing''. My Dad, bless him, almost tipped me over the edge again today. He wants to have a part ownership kinda deal with me on Lars' pick-up!!! I really dont want to offend him but, I also dont want to relinquish my grip on something that meant so much to Lars. i mean I know the folks have been using the bakkie [SA term for a pick-up] for years when Lars or I werent, but its our bakkie, its the one we use to take the dogs to the beach and the one we did all our road trips in. Dad's a good guy,, but does take things the wrong way so easily. this is a tough one and I am not negotiable on this. I really dont need this now. I was much better today generally. I got loads done on my big proposal for a Historical garden renovation on a Herbert Baker House. Feel really good about the work I did and really enjoyed getting back in the sddle so to speak. Also. kind of nervous that I feel better. Probably should brace for a fall hey? I hope everyone has had a stronger few hours. That the next few will be even stronger and that tomorrow will bring clearer thought and maybe a smile or two. Blessings all.
  10. chuckling to myself here...one of the first things I had to fix after Lars left also the loo!
  11. Thank you JC@BTOWN. This sounds terrible, but I am so jealous of your last few days with your man. It sounds quite idylic! You are wonderfully lucky to have been so happy- and for him to have been in such a posiive and loving frame of mind when he left. Many blessings upon your home and family.
  12. JC@BTOWN Hi, I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Lars very suddenly 18 days ago. When they leave so suddenly one is left very bewildered and sort of half cheated. I am so glad that your last few days/hours were such good ones. I have found much solace and great advice on this site. I am better on my own at the mo, its when folks start asking how I am or that kinda thing that I really battle. Much strength to you and yours during this difficult time.
  13. I have decided today to stop counting the days he has been gone. To rather count the days he was here. I will work hardNOT to remember my Lars as a dying man on the day he died. I will rather forget that day and remember and celebrate his Birthday. The day he died no longer exists in my world. Big words. I hope I can stay with them. For those of you approaching anniversary days of all kinds. I wish you strength and hope you all know [I know Im new here, dont mean to be cheeky] that this community holds everyone of us in its love and strong embrace.-Thats the feeling I have had since I arrived here anyway.
  14. I wonder if we had all been brought up in a soceity that venerates the dead and sees death as a reason to celebrate the persons ''graduation'' from one realm to the next, if we would all still be so very sad? I can totally realte to Annew and Kat with touching things our other half touched or did regularly. I find myself sitting in his awfully uncomfortable chair, or hanging onto his pillow at night. This morning I seriously considered his toothbrush-dont worry I got over that one luckily!... Iheartm, I found myself screaming his name out over and over on the beach the other day. If he could only hear me, if I could only have him back for 10 mins everything would be fine. I could explain why I said and did some things I did-and feel awful about etc etc. I could tel him I love him. My Gran told me years ago when my Oupa died that they can still hear us and know us better now than when they were alive. I hope she was right. thank you everyone for all your support. I hope your day was beautiful.
  15. Hi Janka, Thank you so much for your kind wishes. I see you also lost your Love, I hope he is having a wonderful adventure, may angels guide him and tigers gaurd him forever. I have wonderful support, but I do find it very exhausting being with people and having to explain all the time how I am feeling. I know they mean well. I am battling with giult more than anything. I can accept his passing and have a strong belief that he has gone on to a better life with more knowledge and understanding. Ultimately a goal for all living things. leaving this form and place is not an end but a beginning on a new journey. My best support group in this here and now are these 3 little monsters! from front to back, Flashy, Spot and Lula. They miss him just as much as me and know me better than anyone, so, know when I need cuddles and when I just need to be alone. I wish you much strength and peace, you clearly have a wonderful generous heart and I apreciate your message of encouragement very much. Thank you. Maybe one day I will visit you in Slovakia, I have always wanted to travel there. A
  16. I feel like a stalker reading all your posts and thinking Holly mackerel these poor people, and then I remember : thats me right now too!!! I can feel the pain in every one of your posts. I know the terror of realization and I know nothings gonna make it better. the unreality of this reality is beyond my ability to understand/process... Lars and I often spent time apart-him working a site in one place me in another. Last year he was away for 3 months for rehab-it was hellish-for both of us.... It was last year this time that he went off to rehab. I feel we were cheated out of time we couldve had together. I expect him to arrive home any moment. My Folks live on the same small holding out in the stix here-theyre artists and my best buddies. They re using Lars' van at the mo as theirs is in for some work... Every time that van comes down the drive Lars' dog Flashy goes nuts. I can hear her little voice ;#'' hes home, hes home'''....my heart breaks over and over agin when she comes stomping up the stairs with this look of total disbelief... Fridays are the worst, she runs out 20 times in the afternoon-but he just doesnt come back.......... its awful. its not real surely
  17. evening all. I'm new hear. I just wanted to say that hearing all your stories-all our stories now, is very comforting and the affinity between all here is beautiful and reasureing to see. Often I find it hard to just let go and let the tears flow, and I get angry with myself that I cant. I take courage from all of you and your brave hearts. My most tearful moments are over food and beauty-this time of the year is magnificent where we live. I was brought up as a vegetrarian, but have worked on and off as a chef, prepareing meats and fish over the years until I became a fulltime landscaper. I had always wanted to eat seafood, and so very slowly and carefully Lars taught me to eat shellfish first then real solid fish.... Lars and I recently made the move to be back on the farm more of the time and we opened a little Bistro.We are both foodies. I have had to close it without him here. Just the thought of eating without him makes me feel quite ill. 2 nights before he left I brought take out from the city, he didnt finish it-even though it was from our favourite Vietnamese place. Its still in the fridge. When I try to cook something I end up just standing there watching it burn. I cooked a steak last night just so I could smell his favourite smell. The dogs had it. All this amazing food is here just going bad. The veg he planted in the veggie garden -all heritage seeds- are flourishing- oblivious. The winter bulbs are starting to push through. The March lillies are in full bloom. I miss him so much.
  18. Lars is the eternal good guy. He always helped everyone-but himself. He was always helping the old folks in the village, those who couldnt help themselves. Thats how everyone knew him. To get him to do anything at home was impossible! dearest man.
  19. Thank you KayC. All true. In Lars' case he had both the genetic predilection as well as what is refered to as the cultural gene... It is most prevalant in Scandanavian races- Lars came from Swedish stock.... who knew...poor guy was sunk before he even got started. [sadly both his folks were depressives as well]. I have different beliefs about death than most, and was lucky enough to grow up in a family with the same ideas. Lars has learnt what he needed to here. He has travelled on to a higher state of conciosness and can move on to the next stage of his journey with a lighter sense of being and reality. I have a week of heavy decisions and choices ahead. everyone here has been so kind and I feel much more secure going into this week having spoken with you. Thank You. May he be gaurded by Tigers and guided by Angels
  20. wholly mollie folks..thank you for all this kindness. tenderness is something I have forgotten and it blows me away. Lars did get help. He went into rehab this time last year and then volunteered to go into the advanced programme for an extra month. It was hell on both of us. it sadly did us both more damage than anything else [although a very smart and respected clinic-they managed to botch every aspect from check in to messages and then some other wayyy more serious stuff]. Lars managed to stay dry for a few months after, then started sneaking off. You guys who've been down this road know the drill. It's true what you both said, I did do everything I could. His own family deserted him when he was looking after his diabetic mum, who died in his arms. Its all so very tragic, it could be on the telly! none of them would give Lars the time of day. Now theyre all popping out of the woodwork giving me advice!!!!! my amazing family and I were the only ones he had and could rely on. No matter how much we hated him some days, we never threw him out. Never. I often wished him away, for my own sake and his. I just feel that all that karma mustve filtered through to him. I shouldve been able to see the signs, I knew him so well. At his farewell party [we dont do funerals, but celebrations of life], everyone spoke of him with so much love and awe. How much he loved me and respected me and what I do. He never said a bad word about me-ever. And all i could do was wish him away. when he left, he left so utterly and completely. it was as if he's never been here. Im mixing my tenses.... its so unreal. for all the pain he caused, he did so much good for so many. Marty, I know more about addiction than I ever wanted to. I have watched how booze can destroy everything.....I ended up seeing a shrink-something I utterly dont believe in, the friendly lady told me I was different, that I didnt fit the normal ''profiles''-yet here I am again, looking for heip.. Im a stupidly strong person and my biggest personal diasters revolve around my unaccpetance that I am not coping. I dont know how NOT to cope, and when I dont I am at sea. I have seen it eat the man I love. It has destroyed freindships and broken hearts. its killed my husband. I should never have let him out of my sight. I knew he was drinking again. I shouldve taken better care of him.. I am so glad I found this site. your help is invaluable. Family and freinds are dear, but sometimes they are just to close to the situation. Thank You
  21. Thanks Marty, definetly not suffering Complicated grief-I am not a big one for being labeled or told ''tgis is normal and you should expectto feel x, y, z...'' I have read the articles you suggested. Thank you they do make sense. I do feel that in my case my giult is a form of selfpity. 10 days before Lars died I was discussing with a friend that one more slip with the booze and I was going to chuck him out. Let me just add here that Lars at no time ever was a physical abuser in any way, he hasa long and chequered history of substance abuse, brought on by chronic untreated [for most of his life] clinical depression. He was the most generous person I have ever known. so i just feel that woth all the awful things I said about him and too him, I really do not deserve theincredible gift of release that he has given me and the rest of our family. Its almost as if he knew I couldnt cope anymore and he just wanted to get away from me and my horribleness-you see-self pity again.I did love him, i did care for him immensely-if I didnt I would never have put up with half of the nonsense he dished up. Lars comes from a long paternal line of claivoyents. He dreamt deaths. in detail. right down to what people would be wearing. There is no way he could not have expected this. He knew-like I said in my status last night he spoke to and saw many people he hadnt had anything to do with in years...etc etc. I hurt him badly. And he left. now I must carry on and make use of the gift he gave me. I know this is all still very fresh for me. 2 weeks is not a long time, and I know time is the healer etc etc. I did wrong by this gorgeous man. I can shout it to the world and apologise to him as much a s i like. He cant forgive me now.I tend to hang onto giult as if it were some kind of safety blanket, I can see that. I can justify my behaviour till the cows come home, and all who knew us will agree with me and tell me I did all I could.This is a stage and I ust get through this etc etc. Justufication does not change the fact that I should have been kinder and gentler. we'd have our barney's and then the disection of it the next day and he'd say ''What must I do, how must i change?'' and I would rattle off 10 million things that he needed to fix in himself or on the house! when I asked him the same of me, he would reply-without fail ''Nothing''. I am rambling again. time to shut up. Its a gorgeous day here in SA today and they have finally promised us rain. We need it really badly. Beauty and Strength where ever you are on our Planet today. James Bay - 'Hold Back The River' Live @ 3FM Serious Request.mp4James Bay - 'Hold Back The River' Live @ 3FM Serious Request.mp4 . James_Bay_-_'Hold_Back_The_River'_Live_@_3FM_Serious_Request.mp4
  22. I always told Lars that guilt was a useless selfish emotion that feeds on itself. Now here I am wallowing in guilt and not able to find any way clear of it. Early days everyone tells me, take one day at a time, these things take time, you have nothing to feel guilty about, you did everything you could , you had no way of knowing, he brought it on himself blah blah blah. It all sound so utterly self-serving.

    Lars was so much more ill than I could even have imagined, and I was so tied up in my self protective web that I didn't even see the signs of him packing up his life. Small things in life, huge things now that he’s gone. Not wanting me to put money into his bank account, not renewing his cell fone contract, having the vehicles serviced, refusing to go back to hospital, not taking the meds he had been given the day before he died, phoning people he hadn't spoken to in years, going to see people he wouldnt usually visit…. All this in the last 2 weeks of his life. He knew. He didn't tell me. He didn't say he loved me he didn't fight it.

    I want him back. Now



    IMG_2710 - Copy.JPG

  23. Hi Everyone. 2 weeks ago today I lost my husband Lars. We would've been married 10 years in December. He’s never been a particularly well person, with back issues and heart issues a normal part of our daily life. Then on the 18th he was feeling really dodgey, serious abdominal pain and wheezy and sore. Lars is tough and I know when he's in real pain. The prat at the gen hospital told him it was gastro gave him a few pills and sent us away. It got worse during the night, so I had him off to his normal doc first thing on the Friday morn. He came out saying it was Pancreatitis, they’d done some tests and would wait for the results to decide a way forward, so we went home. 09h00 the next morning he was gone. We were still chatting away, I had just made us coffee and was in the bathroom, he was lying on the bed. When he didn't respond I turned around to see him really battling to breathe. In the 3 steps it took me to get to his side. He was gone. Vanished away like midnight snow. I couldn't resuscitate him, or even move him- big lad. Nearest ambulance takes 40mins to get to us …. I never for a moment suspected that it was that bad. I now believe that he knew how ill he was and that he was signing off. Just little things that I now recognise as him packing up his life. We haven't had a great 2 years and things were often strained. Even on Friday night, I thought he was going to be ok. Things would have to change and he would have to become a vegan! He loved his meat. I was chatting to a pal with him in earshot saying what a mission cooking was going to be-jokingly. I didn't hug him when I eventually went to bed. I didn't tell him I loved him and I didn't let him know that no matter what, I would be there to look after him. Only the previous weekend we had had a barney. I had told him I was not an old woman and refused to live like one. I dont want to get into that now. But now he’s gone. He left here so willingly, so bravely and graciously. He released me from a life of nursing him and watching him become a mere shadow of the man I fell in love with. He left me so solidly that I slept in our bed, with the bedding he had died on, the same night. I have slept more soundly than I have in years. I have no bad dreams and no night fears. I have no feeling of him ‘’being’’ here. I admit I have been stalking sites like these the last few nights looking for one that resonated somehow with me, and ended up here. One thing I noticed was that many people in grief experience this feeling that their loved one/pet/ friend is there looking over them, checking on them. Gosh-its what I experienced last year when I had to agree to help a beloved pet of mine onto greater things– Shinga was around for weeks. Looking out for us. One could feel him around. With Lars theres nothing. Not a shudder or a shadow. Its like he was desperate to get away from me and my nasty behaviour. It’s a long story [Lars was an alcoholic for many years, only getting proper help last year, but sadly he was not coping well], in many ways I had hardened myself to the fact that I couldn't help someone who wouldnt help themselves. Now im here and hes gone and I wish I could ve done more to help him. To love him more. His family didn't even come to his farewell/ I stuck with him through some hellish times and I know I shouldn't feel so guilty, but I do. What can I do please can someone give me some advice here. Please. Of course my family and friends have been amazing and know the journey Lars and I have had. But all their reassurances dont make any difference. If Lars did make a conscious decision to let go for my sake and hopefully for his aswell, I have no right to belittle that brave choice with feelings of guilt. Im rambling now. Best I sign off. Any advice here would be much appreciated. My thanks and thoughts are with those in this rickety boat we find ourselves in.
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