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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

I Miss My Mommy :(

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I too lost my mom. It was a year ago August 1st. You all have found a great place. I have come here often through the year. Sometimes just to read what others have posted to know that I am not alone and other times I would respond. The people here are loving and caring and all have been through similiar losses.


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I know how you feel. I miss my mom too. I was her baby, she raised us 3 kids all by herself working 2 jobs to support us. I miss not being able to call her four times a day like I use to and I miss going to visit her at her farm that she totally loved. I miss her smell, smile, her laugh, everything, I just miss her.

I know how you feel, hang in there


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Hi All,

I find even after two years I miss my mom especially when I need someone to talk to... I have not been able to sit down for the past two years and talk about things that are going on with in my life... I talk to mom quietly when I am alone but it is so different when you just need to hear that things are going to be all right... Take care Shelley

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I have that same feeling! Because of her Alzheimers she wasn't really much like herself for the last couple of years. Sometimes she was, but it made it harder, in a way, when she died, because I didn't feel like we were as close as we always had been. But I think back to her "normal" times and then I feel the closeness again sometimes.



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