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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Animals Do Have Compassion

Elizabeth A.

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This was posted at another forum and since we struggle with how much our animals feel for us, I felt the need to share it here.

>This video is incredible. Apparently ,This woman found this lion hurt and >about to die. She took him home and took care of him. When the lion was >better, she called the local zoo and turned him over to them. When she >dropped by later to see how he was doing in his new environment, this was >the reaction she got when the lion saw her.


Original post by Paula aka elegantlion at www.homeschoolreviews.com

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Really? It's http://www.telestereo.com/Archivos/video.html and it shows the video right away, I don't know what it uses (not flash) it loads into the webpage right away.

The other was just to give credit to the orgin.

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I think the problem might be with the browser you're using, Maylissa. I couldn't bring up the video with Firefox, but when I tried Explorer instead, I got it right away. Thanks, Elizabeth ~ the video is amazing, isn't it?!

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Thanks, Marty, I figured that might be the problem. I'll try that later.

In the meantime, and on a similar note, everyone can enjoy this one, about Christian the Lion.

"Christian is the name of a pet lion bought from Harrods department store in 1969. After about a year with his owners the lion had grown too big to remain with them. After a chance encounter with the stars of the film Born Free, the owners handed over Christian to the "Lion Man", conservationist George Adamson, in order to be rehabilitated into the wild in Kora National Reserve, Kenya."

Here's the video of the tear-jerking reunion between Christian and his people:

Happy Reunion

This is how I envision reuniting with my darling babies again.....oh, grab the Kleenex!!

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All right, you two need to stop now. I am running out of Kleenex.

And people wonder if animals have the gift of memory??!! Is it any wonder why we love them so much?

Thanks to both of you for warming all our hearts today :wub:

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Heeheeheeheehee.....yes, people wonder about all sorts of things.....when all they usually have to do is remain childlike and observe what was right there in front of them all along.

No, there's no stopping now! While this one isn't about reunions, it IS about huge love....and I mean HUGE....and about keeping your heart open to ANY species....I laughed :lol: , I shed a tear of gratitude :closedeyes: ....I SMIIIIILED!!!!!! :D

Jessica, the Hippo Daughter

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I actually looked into the story of Christian the Lion, and it is an amazingly heartwarming tale. There is a book that the two men who brought him wrote called Christian the Lion and there is both a British film and an American Flim about it. I'm thinking about seeing if I can get my hands on a copy, but the various sights say that the American Production isn't of great quality. According to what I read the company that made the American Movie don't exist anymore so it's become an issue over "public domain" and that's why we can see footage from the movie.

Personally I think it's great that a story like that isn't lost over time. I'm glad to know about it, thanks Maylissa.

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I found it for sale at Amazon.com under Christian the Lion. They have DVD and VHS, though the DVD is on avail. as a two dvd pack, my husband bought me a copy last night, so I'll let you know.

Also I found lots and lots of copies at amazon uk, under the title of The Lion at Worlds End the price of course is in pounds, but you could covert it for the actaul $ amount, it also says at the UK site that you can rent it, I don't know if that could be done overseas or not.

I don't have a Netflicks memebership so I didn't check any places like that, though I seriously thought about it. Good Luck tracking down a copy. Oh and keep in mind that this movie was renamed a couple of times, so it might be listed one place under one thing and different else were (as I sighted above)

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My new movie arrived today, I plan on watching it soon, and I'll let you know how it is!

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