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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Prayers Needed


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I just learned that one of our dear friend's daughter was killed in a car accident today. I can't reach them to find out what happened. I just wanted to ask that you all might say an extra prayer for Dan & Deb and their family to get through this. Her sister Carrie may need an extra prayer because they were twins and I know that Jen would feel things that were happening to Carrie so Carrie may have felt what was happening to Jen today.

I just hate that someone else has to begin this journey. So please any prayers will be appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Mary Linda,

I know I am late reading this but I just had to reply, I will certainly add them to my prayer list and I will definitely say a extra one for the sister who was left behind... I am sorry this happened and yes I know yet another family starts this journey... Dear God Please watch over this saddened family as they struggle to come to terms with their loss, Please wrap your arms around the family and their friends and hold them tight so they might be able to handle what lays ahead for each of them... Please especially hold tight the sister who was left behind and help her with all her sadness... In Jesus name Amen...

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Mary Linda,

I lift Dan, Deb, Carrie and all their friends in prayer today. May God's comfort surround them and bring them peace.


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