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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

The Trees Made It!

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We planted 2 trees in September and put my parents ashes in the ground with the trees. We had a hard and very long winter...I have been so worried about the new trees and was terrified they would'nt make it. I just walked up to check on the trees. I am amazed...they are over-loaded with new leaves, popping out everywhere. I can't explain the happiness and joy I felt. New growth after a long winter, it just filled me with hope.

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I'm so happy for you. MN winters have a fine way of "preserving" us. (Something to do with cryogenics, I think.) To have new growth and new hope and a visual reminder of your parents is really special. I have a rose bush the neighbors gave me after Bob died. It's always the last one to show any sign of new growth, so I hold my breath waiting for that green to show. I can relate to your joy and teared up while reading about it!


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Hi Annie,

How wonderful is that, it does give you hope in the future... What a wonderful Idea to do in honour of the loved ones you lost...I have decided to maybe do something with the ashes of my parents this year and I think that my siblings are waiting till I am ready to do something since I was the one who lived with them till they died... I think if I could I want to plant some roses and drop my parents ashes in the ground around them... Roses were my father's favorite flowers... I am so glad that the trees survived and here's hope they will live a long time... Shelley

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I think this is an awesome idea, too. Good luck, Starkiss, with whatever you decide to do.

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Hi Kath,

I am still trying to decide what to do because my mom never wanted a grave and so I am stuck trying to do something for us to remember her by but trying to abide by her wishes as well... I just can not see myself scattering her ashes so I thought this might be a solution because it does not have a grave stone so it is not really a grave side but somewhere we could go and remember her by...shelley

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