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One week from today it will be 1 yr since I lost Ben, This has been a very hard year for me kind of like I have been on a rollcoaster ride and I can't get off...Nothing is the same anymore I lost my best friend...nights are the hardest i still can't get used to sleeping by myself....I sit and remember all the good times we had not one day goes by that I don't think of him...every little thing i do reminds me of the life we had and the life i no longer have...I thank God everyday for my family my kids,my brothers, my in laws but most of all my grandchie ldren because they are the ones that mak me get up every morning!!! some mornings I don't want to get up...This wk has been very hard and every day seems harder next Thursday Feb 18th will be one year...and i just realized last night how close to Valentines day he had died last year he was in Hospice and was the first year that i did not recieved a Valentine heart from him but I just didn't think of it than but today I have been thinking of it all day and remembering all the great Valentines days we had together....I hope that some day I can remember all the holidays and special days without crying...Thanks for letting me rant..

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You can always rant! My heart breaks for you, unfortunately I can relate all too well. My David will be gone 1 year on 2-23. Your post helped me more than I can say. I've been been feeling like I should feel this hurt still. It feels like the day he left. I miss him more than words can say. All I pray for and believe is that they are still with us all and that we will always be thier valentine's.

Please know I am always here for you. Call on me at anytime. Together we will get through this month, one second at a time if necessary.

Hugs and love


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Phyliss and Sharon Thank you for your comments, It always helps me when I post here...maybe some day we will all be able to remember our loves without crying untill that day comes I thank God I have everyone here to talk to because even thou our family tries to understand they can't my children lost a father, my mother in law lost a son, my iin laws lost a brother but I lost my best friend and they don't know what that feels like but everyone here does!!! Thank you for listening

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You wonderful people!

Yes, it is so hard. I passed my first year without my husband and still when I think about him, focus on some wonderful time with tom, I cry. I still cannot help it. I long for him, I miss him, but mostly, mostly, I am so sad that this wonderful man did not get to live out a much longer life.

To all of you dear people, my heart goes out to you. My love is coming to you.

I believe there is nothing harder than losing someone you trust, you have fun with, you believe in, you make plans with, you move forward with. But at least we can come here together and know that this moment in time with share with soul brothers and sisters.

I am sharing your load tonight.

Bless you all,


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Everyone has expressed bist of what I am feeling day in and day out. There is a great amount of solace in our common grief. I sure wish we had anything but this in common...


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Guest Vickie O'Neil

Hi Dean,

Just hit add reply at the bottom of posts. Or start a new topic...or some users have personal emails where you can reply to them directly without it being on HOV site.


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Hi Dean, and welcome.

We've all had our troubles figuring out how to use the features on this site, so please don't feel alone in that regard.

We're all here to help one another, including how to navigate our way around! (Thanks, Vickie! :blush:)

You may find it helpful to click on the Help link (at the top, right-hand side of our main page, just underneath your name) to read more about how to use our site.

But the best way (in my humble opinion) is just to dive in and learn as you go. If you get stuck, you can always ask for help, just as you did! There usually is someone (like Vickie) here to offer assistance.

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Don't give up. I am new here too. I lost Scott on 12/21/09 almost 2 months. You do need support.

At the very bottom of page under a blue bar there is "Add Reply" "Start a new topic" Click Add Reply.

When your done with your reply, go down to Add Reply and click. Next to that is Preview Post if you want to do that first. Keep trying... Hope to hear from you soon. Hang in there. Kim

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