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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Wisdom From M. Hickman

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"Though we mourn the passing of that loved one, we think how much poorer our lives would have been had we not inhabited the world together! While we hope for a continuation of life together beyond death, it is no small thing to have known and cherished one another in the spectacular setting - life."

"I am grateful from the core of my being for the life I have shared with my loved one." (Jeannie) smile.gif

**from her great little book Healing After Loss.

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Thank you for sharing this...it's so true. I am forever grateful for the bit of time George and I got to share together, it was so very special and it will never be the same without him in my life.

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I have not visited this site for a while and yet I was just thinking very similar thoughts today about my Joe. What if I had never met him? The loss and grieving are horrific at times but the ten years of happiness was amazing. Time makes it a little easier to recognize the need to be appreciative. How many people do we all know that never share a love like all of us had?

Thank you Walt for sharing.

- Linda G

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I have read this passage several times, as this book has provided great words of wisdom for me (also gave my mother-in-law a copy, and I believe she found truth and comfort knowing others understood how she was feeling). I have found comfort in the passage, though I must admit it has also made me angry because all I wanted was my man back, and in those moments, I didn't feel thankful at all. However...when those feelings passed, I knew and know to my core that I am grateful and lucky to have been with Scott for 20 years, when others can live a lifetime and never find their soulmate.


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