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Will I Make It

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On July 22 2010 I lost the man that I was married to for 40 Years. We have been together since I was 14 and he was 17 never dated anyone else and never been on my own. Seven years into our marriage he was hurt on the job and became totally disabled and this had me going into the world of working outside the house for the first time in my life. We went through 33 years of surgeries and just taking care of each other and now he is gone. No more pain and suffering will he endure. My world is a mass confusion of where do I go next what do I do next and do I have the desire to live without him in it. I am so so lost. People tell me it will take time and do one day at a time but I can't stop crying my whole body aches and I can actually feel my broken heart. I miss him so

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Oh,Susavi, I am so sorry for your loss, your pain and confusion. My husband died in January, of a massive coronary, while I was in the hospital recovering from a total knee replacement. No warning signs, no symptons, just gone in an instant. I recall the first few weeks,even months after Michael died I felt like I was in a fog. I still cry, I still grieve, and feelings of being so alone happen still....but not all the time, after nearly 7 months I see that I will survive. I did not know if I even wanted to at first. Susavi, I won't tell you it will be easy,, but one step at a time, one day at a time, you will survive. I have been lucky to have family and close friends that have been very supportive, and I hope you have the same support.

Praying for you, and telling you to hang in there. This site is a great place to come and say anything you need to say, we are all in the same boat.

Praying for all of us in this club we did not ask to join.

Mary (queeniemary) in Arkansas

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I'm so sorry! It is all the more compounded when you have so many adjustments to make in addition to the great loss you are experiencing. Someone's telling you to take a day at a time is about the best advice they could have given you...or a minute at a time as the case may be. You will get through this, try not to look at the future, the way out there picture, just stay in this moment and carry his love inside of you for strength to get through it.


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Dear Susavi,

I am in awe of your dedication. You must love your husband more than anyone else. You will have faith that you will be stronger through this. And life/death will never take him away. He will always be alive. Your heart is your friend where he is , both God and your husband.

Take care,


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  • 2 weeks later...

One step at a time is really the only thing you can do. Of course, everything hurts, and it will continue to hurt. For the first while, try to eat even though you don't feel like it. It will probably be hard to sleep, but that will come (for the longest time, I had to fall asleep to the drone of the tv).

Eventually, you will relearn how do live in this different reality. You will find the strength, and your husband will be proud of you.


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On July 22 2010 I lost the man that I was married to for 40 Years. We have been together since I was 14 and he was 17 never dated anyone else and never been on my own. Seven years into our marriage he was hurt on the job and became totally disabled and this had me going into the world of working outside the house for the first time in my life. We went through 33 years of surgeries and just taking care of each other and now he is gone. No more pain and suffering will he endure. My world is a mass confusion of where do I go next what do I do next and do I have the desire to live without him in it. I am so so lost. People tell me it will take time and do one day at a time but I can't stop crying my whole body aches and I can actually feel my broken heart. I miss him so

Hi Susavi...on July 29, 2009 I lost my husband that was my only love also. We married as teens and were married for 33 years. You will feel like your in a fog for the next several months...at least I did and still do... Larry and I had talked so many times about how much we loved each other and didnt want to be apart...praying that God would take us in the rapture so we would not have to be parted in death...I cried hard everyday for the first three and half months...and have cried everyday since...I recently went through the year marker and his birthday the following week...my heart is still broken...I cried so much last week and thought I would die of the heartbreak....but God is seeing me though this. One day at a time holding onto Jesus thats how I am making it...I have great friends and family support, but God is who gives me the strength to keep going. I miss my husband so much too... Your in my prayers....God bless you..

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