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Weekend Low

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I've been doing so well for a time, and now I've slid back down. This whole week I've been busy - with work, the car accident, an electrician rewiring the house, celebrating our third son's birthday, etc. And now I sit here on Saturday morning with the weekend stretched out ahead of me. No plans and I'm just thinking about my husband. I feel miserable, lonely and just want him back.

Just needed to tell someone.


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I can't imagine anyone us feeling any different than you this weekend. I have done better for longer periods lately too. It has been an incredible week of highs and lows for me. It was very nice to have the boys around and spend some time, that was a super high. Missing my wife desperately several times through the week brought on the huge lows. During the holidays, we both had a lot of time off and got some bonus time to spend together so it is especially hard right now.

Just remember we are all here together and you are not alone. Have a good weekend. BW

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Hi Melina. I, too, am having a very hard time of it this weekend. Friday nights were always Glenn's and my "date night" and getting through last night was extremely hard. It'll be one month this coming Monday that my darling man left and I think I'm getting to the stage where it's finally starting to sink in. I know it's not much consolation, but we here all know about lonely and miserable.

I know I should go out and pick up some groceries and enjoy the pleasant weather, but the very thought of being out with other people is starting to really scare me. My emotions are so all over the place that just looking at another person in public can start me off.

Tomorrow is the big championship game in our Canadian Football League and friends just called to invite me to their place to watch it on TV. I had to refuse because the very thought of doing it without Glenn horrifies me. I'm also so afraid of embarrassing myself and wrecking their good time, that I just can't do it. I know I shouldn't turn into a hermit, but there was just Glenn and I, always, for 33 years. I've no kids, no pets, no work, no family here, nobody else to look after except myself now and I'm not doing a very good job of it.

I admire you for being able to accomplish so much. I always prided myself on being a "doer", but am learning that I'm not as strong as I and everybody else thinks I am. "Hanging in there" is about all any of us can do, I guess.

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You're not alone Melina. The entire 'holiday' weekend has been a low for me, especially when I thought I was starting to deal with the loss a little better. I guess I dread this entire year of 'holidays' and anniversaries alone. I really try to be positive, and for the most part it works, but whenever I'm not extremely busy, I think of Clint and how much I miss him. I've shed more tears this weekend than the entire week.

We'll just have to be here for each other...we'll get there eventually.......

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I am sorry Melina, we all understand. You are still doing well though. This is part of the journey I believe, at least it has been my experience. When we slide back down, feel our pain deeply again, are times that hurt beyond words, but healing is happening as well I believe. I wish it could just be a simple straight path for us all.

WE all are here, we all care, we all understand, you are not alone.

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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I'm sorry I was off line for a few days, I wish I could have hugged you over the weekend. Holidays are hard. I've been going through a lot of struggle...had a big snowstorm, none of the 4WD vehicles are running, no way to get up and down the mountain, had to miss work, now I'm back to work trying to catch up from the huge pile on my desk.

Have shoveled, stacked wood, built fires, until I'm blue in the face. Been without electricity, water, internet, t.v. NOT a fun week!

I did have my kids up on Thanksgiving though and enjoyed that and since I'd taken the day before off to cook/bake, I was prepared.

Hope you're doing better this week!

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