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Update On Abscessed Tooth.

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Well, I am happy to say that I am not in nearly the same level of pain as earlier. It is hard for me to have physical pain of any kind, it takes me back to when the pain was from the abuse and violence I was raised in. I miss Melissa, so much right now. I don't know if it is the same for any of you, but it is at times of ill health, when I miss Melissa the most.

I am scheduled for a root canal on January 4, and not looking forward to it at all. I have a wonderful dentist though, and understands how it triggers me to past trauma's, and takes as many breaks as I need. I wanted to tell you all about it, because it will help me to know that others know and I'll feel less alone with it.

In a way it has been a blessing that this abscess came along because I have been able to be off from work and I have done a lot of healing with this time. I have put my worry about my financial woes on the back burner, for, I have not control anyhow. I just have to trust that God will see me through as He always has.

Thanks for listening and for your support.

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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The other positive about the abscessed tooth, is that the other tooth that needs the root canal was discovered early enough to save it. It is on the lower left side. I am going to have both sides of my lower jaw healing and hurting. I want to not go through with it but then I'd end up with another abscess. This probably isn't the right formum to be talking about this but I figure you all must find it hard when you have to face medical issues alone too. Melissa will be with me though as she is within me now but man I'd sure love her hug now.....sad.gif

Thanks for listening....

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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Hi Carol Ann, I'll be "rooting" (sorry) for a good recovery for you. You're right about going through ill health alone. I always took care of Don, figuring he would take care of me when I needed it. Now? I think it hit home when I visited my doctor for the first time after Don had died. I had to update my records, when it came to who to call in case of emergency, I had to cross out Don's name. That hurt, and I couldn't bring myself to write in anyone else. The nurses station called my name, then said, "don't you have anyone you want to list in case of emergency?" That was only 3 weeks after he died, I tried to hold it together, but it hurts. So I'm going to write the 4th on my calendar and think of you often and wish you smooth sailing. Nancy

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Thank you so much Nancy smile.gif Oh for sure I know exactly what you went through when it came to "who to call in an emergency" I am so sorry for that hurt for all of us here. It is so hard. When I was diagnosed with cancer of the endometrium and then surgery, at admitting, I must have been asked at least 5 times. I remember the admitting clerk's face like it was yesterday. Her final words were and I quote: "now come on everyone has someone" I looked her square in the eyes and said: " I don't any longer my wife suicided, I have no other human that close to me that I would want you to call, now please don't ask me that question again. Her response was "Don't you mean your husband suicided?" I repeated no I did not, my wife suicided. Her response was " You don't look lesbian" I did not respond to her, I was silent. I did not hear, I am so sorry for your loss! What is the matter with some humans! Thank you for marking the 4th on your calendar and thinking of me often.

I think of you and all of you here throughout my days, and carry you all in prayer for healing.

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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Good luck Carol Ann. I hope you aren't in too much pain right now, do you have pain medicine to tide you over the holidays?

I am probably the only weird one in the world that actually ENJOYS root canals. To me they feel like a massage on a place that doesn't usually get touched. But then I have a wonderful dentist, have been with him for 35 years and with his dad before him, from the time I was wee.

I would that everyone would have such a caring dentist office as mine!

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Thanks kayc,

Can't say I could get to enjoy a root canal but to think on it as a massage is an interesting thought...thanks for that. I was on iv anti-biotics, now am taking oral anti-biotic, and yes I have a pain med. Not to worry, I am able to dissociate from physical pain very well.

Glad your have such a wonderful caring dentist office. Mine is very good as well. Thanks very much kayc.

Blessings and courage, Carol Ann

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