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Six Months Today

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It's exactly six months since I lost my mom and it feels like it was just yesterday that it happened. I have been drifting along since then with no direction or purpose. My mom and I did everything together and all future plans included my mom. It still feels unreal to me and I haven't been able to fully accept it. I just go through the motions each day.

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Guest Nicholas

My dreaded six-month anniversary is a week today, so I can guess how you are feeling and how you have been feeling.

It really is a much, much tougher struggle than I could possibly have imagined.

Hang in there.


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Dear Eren and Nicholas,

The anniversaries are tough. They remind us of our loss and all the pain and emptiness. today is the 25th anniversary of Bill's and my marriage and it might as well be the anniversary of his death 15 months ago for all the pain I am feeling. My heart reaches out to both of you as you go through this day. I am trying to remember the good times and the love as well as acknowledge my loss. I hope you can do some of that also and smile at happy memories.


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I'm only in the beginning of my journey. My mom passed away just a little over a month ago. I can still identify with what you said about wondering aimlessly and just going through the motions. I've been reevaluating what I'm going to do with my life and I have some idea's but it's getting myself to put this into action that is hard. I have yet to hit any birthdays, holiday's or anniversary's so not really prepared for that except, as Mary siad, I'm going to try to think about the good times. That's one thing that has been helping me so far!

The best to all of you on these hard days!

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The six month mark is very hard. It's been just over 7 months since I lost my mom, and I still feel like I'm just drifting through life most days. I've noticed that I'm starting to have more OK days than bad ones lately, but I feel that changing soon since it was this time last year (June 29th) that my mom was diagnosed. Being closer to the one year anniversary than the day she died is a very weird feeling.


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The six month mark since my Mom passed was June 4, so I do have some understanding of how you are feeling. Each "first" is very difficult and brings up surprising memories and emotions. What you are feeling seems quite normal, from what I have read of others on this site, if this is any comfort. I too feel like I am drifting through each day, almost like I am not in my own body. But I can assure you that coming here and share with each other gives the comfort of knowing that you are not going through this alone and that others are at different stages of their grief..some can advise you and perhaps they may be someone you can help or support. Hang in there, knowing that we are all here to help and support you in any way that we can.


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