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A friend posted this on their facebook page and I just wanted to share it with all of you. I think we have all wished this at one time or another:

Wish Heaven had a phone, so I could hear your voice again. I thought of you today, but that's nothing new. I thought of you yesterday, and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories, & a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake from which I'll never part. God has you in his arms, I have you in my heart.

Hugs to all,



Very nice. You've gone and made me cry.




Me too, Harry, very nice Chris. Reminds me a lot of a poem read at my Mother's funeral years ago, I will have to find it, it was called "Phone call from Heaven"

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas


Hi All!

I actually have that on my desk at work. A friend of mine also sent me the following, thought I would share:

"If a tiny baby could think, it would be afraid of birth. To leave the only world it has known would seem a kind of death. But immediately after birth the child would say, "I was foolish to doubt God's Plan for me. This is a beautiful life."

For the Christian, passing through death is really a birth into a new and better world. Those who are left behind should not grieve as if there is no hope. Life is changed, not taken away. Our dear one lives on, in a world beautiful beyond anything we can imagine. With Jesus and Mary they await the day when they will welcome us with joy.

"Do not grieve too much," they say to us. "We are living and are still with you."



Ugh, I don't know whether to cry or throw something. I've had so much anger about my sister's death that sometimes when I hear sappy stuff like that I just get really mad. Sorry, I guess I better take it to the loss of a sibling section. Darn this rage. I hate it *punches a pillow*.

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