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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Loss Of Grandmother, Uncle And Soon My Mother

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I know that there are hospice grief counselors but I am better expressing my feelings in writing.

Writing is more therapeutic than face to face for me.

It has been a rough year for my family and I. My grandmother died July of this year, her son died in Aug.

Of this year from brain tumor and my mother is currently in hospice due to cervical cancer and it is a matter

Of hours or days for my mother. On top of that my father died Oct. 2009. It is strange that I won't have parents anymore.

I feel some much better that my mom is not in pain anymore since taking morphine. Grief is so hard.

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Dear One, I'm so very sorry for the multiple and significant losses you've endured, and all so close together. Although you'd prefer not meeting with a hospice bereavement counselor, I hope you will consider taking advantage of all the other the bereavement services your mother's hospice has to offer. This is such a heavy burden for you to bear all alone, without the support that is readily available to you. Meanwhile, please know that in this warm and caring place, we are here for you and we will walk beside you as you face whatever lies ahead. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

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Our heartfelt condolences upon the loss of your mother. Many of us here have endured the loss of parents, and know first-hand how deep the grief can go.

I too lost the entire generation of my parents and grandparents in a few short years. Somehow I survived the early losses without breaking down myself. But the loss of my own mother brought on a crush of grief and volatile emotion that was beyond my comprehension. Turned my world upside down for many months.

At the beginning I tried counseling, read literature about grief, and communicated with others here. All these things helped, but I still felt completely lost and uprooted.

Now it's been three years, and I have healed surprisingly well. It's been a gradual process.

It's not that my grief is over and done with. It's just that my grief has changed. I no longer feel only pain. I also feel the legacy of my parents, and from that I derive strength. The values imparted to me by my parents still guide me reliably from day to day, and I try to pass on these values to others as best I can. I've watched myself become less self-centered and more of a guardian over friends and family in the last couple years. Grief has somehow spurred on a maturity within me.

I am convinced that grief is about more than just mere pain. Surely we learn as we pass through grief.

Healing from grief is also very real, but it can be a slow process. Just find those things that help you heal, and nurture them in any way that you can! God speed your recovery.

Ron B.

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Hi Too many losses, Please accept my condolences for the loss of your mother, and also for the many losses you have been through. Wow -- so many loved ones to grieve in such a short span of time. I cannot imagine your level of upset. My mother, who died on May 12, 2011, was also my best friend, and I have been having a very difficult time adjusting to my new reality of life without her (and my dear brother, who died 4 1/2 years ago). All I can say is to be gentle with youself, feel what you feel (don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise), and get whatever support you can. I know, for me, I feel SO much better when I write-out what I am going through on this website. Whether I get a response from anyone or not, I just feel better after writing out my pain and frustration. My heart goes out to you, and I wish you comfort and strength.

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