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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

6 Years Today

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hellow my far away friends .remember me? I dont post but I do read and Im so sorry for all of you that had to be here.Today is 6 years for me grief has changed face but still here.I do miss him and my life we had together.I feel like a differend person and I wonder if he would love the new me the same.Some days the waves of grief are so hard like starting all over again then hope comes in the face of my litle grand daughter and I try to be present to life.Situation here in Greece is so hard so many people are suffering being homeles and without jobs and food so grief and disapointment are all over.The 6 years of grief are long and hard but when you have no hope of abetter future at least for your children it gets even harder.Wish you all find hope and be strong in that road of tears.Love from faraway.Teny

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Of course we remember you, dear Teny, our "friend from far away" ~ and you will always be an important part of us ~ You are part of what makes this group so special, and you are not forgotten. From our hearts to yours, from this land to your land, we send you love and light and blessings

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Hi Teny,

It is always good to see someone return here and update us. I do understand the waves coming in as well as the transformation. It has been 2.5 years since my husband died and I am at a place now where I get hit by a tsunami of grief but handle it better...most of the time. The situation in Greece is so sad and I can see how being surrounded by struggling people who are grieving home loss and job loss. Grief piled on top of grief. Where does one turn? I will keep you all in my heart and thoughts as I move forward on this journey myself.



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Teny, It is good to hear from you (you too, Marsha). I always think of you whenever I hear news of Greece, and pray for you and your country. Your country has been going through some hard places, ours has too although we're a step behind you on the devastation. Some places are harder hit than others. We have high unemployment here and homelessness abounds. I know what you mean about not having hope, at least with our country/politics.

I wish I'd been on line earlier...six years, it hardly seems possible, does it? I am sure your Yani would love the person you are today, maybe all the more for what you have survived. It takes great courage to face what we have head on.

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thank you my friends its good to know that you remember me.This site and all of you have been a great help when I was so desperat.I think for me now the word is axeptance.a day comes when you stop strugling and wait for life to show the way. Teny

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thank you my friends its good to know that you remember me.This site and all of you have been a great help when I was so desperat.I think for me now the word is axeptance.a day comes when you stop strugling and wait for life to show the way. Teny

You are right, Teny. That's what I've learned too. I try not to look too far ahead, make tentative plans, but know things can change.

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Oh Teny I'm sorry I missed your post! I hope you will see my reply, I think of you often and hoping that you were alright. I remember when you came here to our group, the pain and the sorrow you expressed. For me, in a few short days it will be 7 years. My heart still sinks when I realize how much time has past yet my love for him is still alive in my heart. I know that our grieving will always be a part of our lives and so will the love we have for the one's we have lost. I'm so sorry for your country, there is suffering in our country also. Please stay in touch, we miss you, Love Deborah

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