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Superman Did Exist


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In my world, Superman wears red suspenders, not a red cape. In my world Superman married Lois Lane [aka Bonnie K. or Mom to us] and had 9 kids & even more grandkids for 63 years.

In my world, Superman was not a reporter or novelist although he loved to tell stories; he worked several jobs & gave it his all.

In my world, Superman DID have x-ray vision [i could never get away with anything it seemed], invulnerability, compassion beyond belief, faith, love, forgiveness [i've done many things he didn't have to forgive me for but did], hands filled with so much strength yet held my child with the greatest tenderness, and so much more.

In my world, Superman's allies were everyone. "There are no strangers you know."

In my world, Superman loved to watch old movies while lying on his belly with a grandchild on his back, after which they'd eat ice cream & chocolate syrup & sprinkles if he had them.

In my world, Superman's story continues in the memories he's left behind.

In my world Superman was my DAD. In my world Superman now lives in Heaven. ~~~ by lisa becker rosendahl

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  • 4 weeks later...

Marty: I have sent this link & a hard copy of the page with Superman on it to my Mom & my siblings & friends & have gotten so much wonderful & positive response to it. Thank you for reprinting it!! It has caused many tears-mostly happy ones-as everyone in my family have these memories of Dad. My husband celebrated his 62nd birthday on Christmas & as a "gift" to him I found a birthday card talking about a husband being Superman to a wife & inside it I wrote that I thought Dad would be happy to allow my husband to become a "new" Superman for me & our daughter. He told me it was the greatest gift he's ever received as he held Dad in very high esteem. Thank you.

I have been told by several people that I should be writing more on this subject but not sure how or where. If you'd have any suggestions I'd welcome them. Lisa

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Lisa, dear, your message warms my heart. Like you, I always thought of my Daddy as my own personal superman, and for me, he was the model of the qualities I should expect in the man I'd eventually decide to marry. He was my hero, my caregiver, my trusted counselor, mentor, cheerleader and biggest fan. He died way too soon, at the age of 69. It happened many, many years ago, and my missing him has not diminished one bit.

I'm so pleased to learn of the reaction from your family to your writing ~ posting your Superman piece on the GH blog gave me enormous pleasure and personal satisfaction.

You've asked for suggestions on how or where to continue writing, and the first thing that comes to my mind is blogging! After I saw the movie Julie & Julia in 2009 I thought to myself, "If starting a blog is as easy as it's been described in this movie, I'll bet I can do it, too!" I discovered that there are two main types of blogs, one by WordPress and the other by Blogger. Since I use Google Chrome as my default browser, I decided to use Blogger ~ then I bought myself a copy of GoogleBlogger for Dummies and was off to the races. I've been blogging ever since, and I've found the process to be extremely user-friendly! You simply learn as you go, and there are all sorts of fellow bloggers and "how-to" websites "out there" to help (e.g., Blogger Sentral, The Official Google Blog). If you take it one step at a time, Lisa, I think you'll find it to be quite do-able!

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