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Desperate day

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Today has become a really hard day for me. It's about 2 pm and I'm still in bed. I spent yesterday in bed also. I know I'm not moving through my grief; I'm stuck in it. I just can't seem to escape my depression and anxiety. I miss Andre so much. I want to die so I can be with him. It's not my time yet and I have to accept this. 

I have so many things I could do. I'm retired and financially secure. At night I'm sure I'll do some of the things I think about, but when I wake up I don't do them. I feel I'm depressed and procrastinating. I lay in bed feeling so bad. I cry often for my husband. I don't want to be alone. I'm reaching out to you all because I know you understand. 


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Kristine, my dear, I posted this message to you in another thread yesterday, but I'm not sure if you saw it (see below). The article I'm referring you to contains lots of specific suggestions that you can try. I truly do believe that the best way to get started on your healing journey is for you to begin ~ one step at a time. Lying in bed and procrastinating are not getting you anywhere.

Kristine, I'm pleased to know that you're finding some of the support you need here. I hope you're also finding and reading some of the informative articles we share with one another, too. I know you are searching for what you can do to help yourself at this point in your grief journey. Here is a piece that you may find helpful:Bereavement: Doing The Work of Grief 

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I got out of bed, took my dog on a walk, washed my hair and dressed to go to my support group meeting. I was going to just stay in bed, but called a friend from my support meeting and we are meeting for coffee before the meeting. Trying to take action. Tomorrow I go to therapy in the afternoon and to my grief group in the evening. Thank you all for being here. 


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Good for you, Kristine! I'm proud of you! You're not just trying to take action ~ you are doing it!

One step at a time, my dear.

This is a very long journey ~ but as the saying goes, A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



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Good for you, Kristine!  I'm proud of you!  This is exactly how to do it, one day at a time.

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you ARE doing well Kristine, we have to take baby steps when so much of what made our lives beautiful has gone. You are being very brave - even if you don't see it always - we all are. The courage it takes to even get out of bed and get dressed only we know. I bet your lovely dog was so happy to go for a walk with his mom:)

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