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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Venturing outside of the "Spouse Forum"

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After reading the replies to my post about Tammy's birthday topic, I realize that many here only check out the Loss of Spouse forum. While it's completely understandable, you may be missing some interesting, important, helpful stuff. A few months ago I started clicking the "view unread content" link and to my surprise found out there actually is life/activity beyond the Spouse forum! ;)

Just a thought.

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It took me a long time before I noticed the Tools, Behaviors, etc. that is there because when I first googled and found this place, I bookmarked it, so whenever I entered, it was at Loss of Spouse!  There is a LOT of helpful information outside this section.  I encourage everyone here to explore this site and find what there is.  Marty also has a course to help people through the first year!

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Hi Mitch,

Mitch said ~ “A few months ago I started clicking the "view unread content" link and to my surprise found out there actually is life/activity beyond the Spouse forum.”

I am so glad you have ventured outside reading only one thread. Yes, there are many helpful posts in other places outside our one focus. In early grief we are looking for those who have suffered a similar loss for that is all we have energy for. I was so relieved that there were those who really understood what I was going through. So, it is understandable that our newer people look only to one thread. Later on, in my grief journey, the Grief and Loss section has helped me find strategies to use as I try to live without my beloved Jim. I am an old soul (73) and have had many different losses during my lifetime and expect to be witness to more. I still go to Marty’s Grief blog weekly to see what she has found for us ~ dealing with many different losses yet all focused on grief. The more we read and learn about grief the better we are able to understand how it is possible to live after personal loss.

My healing is taking place because I am working to understand what it is I have to do to live this “new” life.

I hope more people surf around our forum and perhaps there will be something said that just might help and ease our pain. 



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