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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by hello123

  1. Also about the having to be happy thing, it's so annoying how everyone expects you to be sociable how you used to be they won't understand that such a horrible thing has happened nothing feels right!!
  2. Wow, reading this is so weird it's so comforting that people feel exactly the same way! Daughter2010 what you said about ur friend who also lost his dad, my ex boyfriend lost his dad years ago I thought he would be understanding but was very harsh and didn't wanna know I guess people can't deal with the pain again I dunno, and as for sports I know what you guys mean, it was the world cup and it was so difficult sitting watching tv without him, I don't understand why this happens to only selected people and what we did to deserve this, and I don't get why bad people get long and fulfilling lives where as we all have to suffer so much xx
  3. so so sorry 2sweetgirls, I don't know what to say apart from you're allowed to be angry and upset!! It won't get better but it will get easier xxxxxxxxxx
  4. Thank you so much for your replies, and Loulou I was the same my dad was like my bestfriend I spoke to him all the time and now I feel like there's nobody that cares about me as much as he did and I just have to look after myself now. I've lost all my close friends they haven't been understanding at all and my boyfriend dumped me because he couldn't deal with it. I just don't understand how people can be so nasty if it happened to any of my friends I'd like to think I'd be supportive and there for them especially when they knew how important my Dad was to me.
  5. Hi, I recently lost my dad really suddenly, and he was only 50 and very healthy. I liked reading other peoples posts because then I dont feel as alone, its so hard being around people that don't understand and get awkward around you. I read someone talking about how angry they were and that's how I feel it's so unfair people hate their dads and they're still around and I was so close to mine and he was taken so quickly. Also how everyone else my age complain about stupid things all the time and how everyone's getting on with their lives but I cant because mine has changed so much. It would be good to talk to other people going through the same thing I wish more people around me were!!
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