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Everything posted by KarenK

  1. Kay, I'm so sorry. This is the second time he has bitten you, isn't it? He must have felt threatened somehow or maybe something is happening in his brain. There are many instances where a dog will turn on you for apparently no reason. I would be rethinking the walking arrangement.
  2. Gwen, when Robert was a baby we headed out on a cross country trip to visit Washington DC. In New Mexico, he became very ill with a high fever. Fairly close to Carlsbad we diverted there as my cousin was there and she worked for a doctor. Turned out he had a horrendous ear infection and we ended up staying with them for a week. She took care of him for a while and we toured the cavern. I remember mostly running to the bottom and taking the elevator back up. We didn't want to be away too long, but it was beautiful. We never made it to Washington DC. I have been in all the caverns in Az(except Kartchner) and lava tubes we discovered bumming around. The lava tubes are not maintained and require crawling down over big boulders to enter. A bit scary, but we had caving equipment. Lava tubes are not pretty, just big black tunnels. Robert went on a private tour of Kartchner with his college geology class. It is spectacular and pristine. Very strict rules. I have been in Mammoth Cave in Ky twice. Second tour was about 6 hours long and required hand over hand climbing. Not easy for a smoker. LOL I love that kind of stuff, but probably couldn't manage it anymore. Gotta love old age! Didn't mean to write a book on this. Just some of my better memories, except for the sick baby. I wish I'd seen more of New Mexico. I've been through Shiprock and Farmington on the way to Colorado and I remember a little hole in the wall Mexican place in Lordsburg. Been there a couple of times. Great food(40 years ago). I lost track of my cousin many,many years ago. At one time, she and her husband lived in Cochiti Lakes near Santa Fe. One day I was messing around on Realtor.com and an address looked familiar. It was her house, so maybe he died. Just looking up her name, she might be back in Carlsbad.
  3. Most of my time in New Mexico was spent in Gallup or Zuni buying Native American jewelry or crafts. Definitely a barren landscape. The government certainly did those people no favors by locating them there. As a kid, I spent a lot of time in Carlsbad where my cousin lived. I have never really seen the beautiful parts of the state.
  4. Marg, Route 666 was know as Devil's Highway, the numbers a definite stigma. Know for lots of accidents and strange happenings. It's also The Coronado Trail. It was renumbered in 2003 to US 191, I think. I remember traveling down it facing backward in our station wagon. I was hanging into Robert's infant feet to keep him from rolling around as he slept in the back. Fun ride. NO LAUGHING! The tree is known as the Arrow Tree. Nothing special about it. Just a favorite for archers to shoot while trying to hit as close to the top as possible.(I googled it)
  5. The huge fire burning northeast of us must be a real monster. It is about 35 miles away and you can see the big plume of smoke looking out my back window. It has consumed 150,000 acres and still going strong. It's probably close to Fountain Hills which is a very affluent area of huge homes as well as a casino. Never thought it would get that far.
  6. Thinking of you today and sending a giant hug. It's odd and sad how our brain does that to us over time. A lot of the memories slowly fade away over time leaving you wondering if they really existed, although you know in your heart that they did.
  7. My dad was not a fisherman, nor a hunter although we spent a lot of time in the mountains parked next to creeks or lakes in our little travel trailer on our many treks through the west. He was not a gun person either. Total opposite of Ron in so many ways, yet they both were a commanding presence in my life. I was an outdoors person from the first moment I rode that horse through the pines 62 years ago so our personalities meshed in a lot of ways. I love fishing, but more for the atmosphere. I don't have the patience, won't bait a hook with anything alive, and won't take a fish off the hook. I guess I'm a "faux" fisherman. Don't like hunting. Love to see the animals in the wild. Just don't want to kill them. I'll fire a gun for protection. I love the outdoors for the beauty, peace, and freedom.
  8. Gwen, I'm so sorry you had such a horrendous day. Why a dermatologist for your swollen legs? I think it's especially difficult to break from the routine you shared with Steve because you had such a special love for each other. Ron and I were always on the go eating out, going gambling, to the cabin, to New Mexico, to Colorado, etc. All of that stopped when he got sick. Then it was doctors, hospital stays, tests, chemo, radiation. You know the drill.......and it was only for 6 months, not 5 years like you. I carried a notebook everywhere we went transcribing every conversation. I took care of the appointments, the meds, the feeding tube, trips to the bathroom, etc. I slept very little and was his right arm. In public, he was appreciative. In private was a different story, but that's the nature of the disease. Then bam! All of a sudden there was no one to be responsible for but myself. That took a lot of getting used to. I wasn't used to sitting still or not doing 3 things at a time or going nowhere. The going nowhere is the worst. I've always wanted to see what's over the next hill. I would love to continue with some of the good things from the past, but I can't. I'm mostly living for myself I guess, but my situation is different from yours in that the guys are here, although we don't really do things together. I'm sure if you felt better, you would be able to live more for yourself. It's natural to want to hang onto the good times of your life, but you are running yourself ragged. Somehow you need to slow down.(That part is my motherly advice given with love) I'm one of those you mentioned that binge watches a program. Just finished "Hell On Wheels". I do other things while watching though, like making jewelry, doing laundry, fixing dinner. I couldn't just sit and do nothing. Against my grain. Last week there were 2300 Covid cases reported here in one day. The governor issued a decree that city officials throughout Az could require masks in public. Good thing I got two from the dentist. At least we can still do our shopping. The world is not a friendly place for the foreseeable future. Masks are not completely safe and a vaccine won't help if the virus keeps changing. I sometimes wonder how many of us will survive this.
  9. A thousand years ago(or so it seems), my ex was here to attend a reunion(probably 30th or 40th) and he asked me to go. I really wanted to just to see how much everyone had changed, but I declined. It would have hurt Ron and his wife, I'm sure. In all the years since we divorced, I know he's felt a certain love for me still. I will always love him, just not as a wife. In high school, his friends became my friends, more so than those my age. It would have been interesting.
  10. Beautiful spot, Marg! My heart is with you on the fishing. We frequently fished the mountain lakes in northern Az. I mostly sat and wished for a bite while he reeled them in, but it was peaceful. Sold a lot of his stuff, but kept about a dozen rods and feels and the huge fold out tackle box. Hope to be able to go again someday now that I'm old enough for a free license. First time without him will be strange and sad, I'm sure.
  11. After I wrote that, I thought maybe I'd been too harsh. After all, who am I to judge. I just didn't like that she made you feel unimportant. That's happened to me one too many times. Guess that's why I have no friends. Too risky and hurtful.
  12. Gwen, my big question was going to be "Why is she considered a friend?" . I guess you answered that with her being a solution to pet emergencies, but is that enough to allow her to be disrespectful to you? I don't think so. A friend has things in common with you. A friend does not set content limits on your conversation. As for a time limit, she could have waited and during the conversation mentioned she had to cut it short, not make it sound like she is your drink of water in the desert! A friend may criticize you, but constructively and not with malice! A friend offers sympathy and love. A friend understands. Can you tell I don't like this woman or the way she treats you?? I've said my piece. I'll shut up now.
  13. Kay, so sorry for this lousy news. Is it possible for your daughter or son to give you a hand for a few days? I have always had a lot of mole type things on my back and chest. Genetically blessed, I guess. I go for a checkup once a year, especially since I can't see most of them. What I can see looks questionable to me, but he always says they are nothing to worry about. Have only had one melanoma removed many years ago. Keeping you in my thoughts.
  14. I'm not sure what happens to your private insurance if you opt out of Medicare or if it's even possible to. It's beneficial to me to have both. Generally, Medicare pays 80% and my supplement pays the rest, including the Medicare deductble. I chose the higher premium supplemental to avoid all co-pays or in case I end up ill with something long term. As for the control issues, last year my doctor asked me to come for a physical even though he admitted I didn't really need one. He said his Medicare funding is dependent on doing these physicals. I know the government is big on limiting opiods. I used to be able to get a 90 day supply of Tramadol. Now I can only get a 30 day supply. It is stupid. I am still getting the same amount. I just have to go the pharmacy more often. I'm definitely against government control.
  15. What I don't like about Medicare is that it controls your doctor's actions. Also that you still have to pay premiums when you are on SS and finally able to use it. You have paid into it your entire working life(in my case, 40 years) and are still paying.
  16. Just read a local article about how this covid isolation is especially hard on seniors who are at greater risk. Little do they know of those of us who have felt isolated from life for years. It seems the number of covid cases is rising again in my area. My dentist office asked if I would change my appt. as he had a couple of emergencies worse than mine. I did of course and asked his assistant(his daughter) if I could buy a mask from them. She told me to have my son run by and get some. I only need one to wear when I get my hair cut(rule at Great Clips). All the stores have are boxes of multiples. Used to be able to call and find out when my person was working, but can't do that anymore. I plan to go on Friday while my son grocery shops. Will be interesting. Hope I end up with somebody decent if she's not working. Not complaining, just yammering. Other than money, my problems are small. I noticed in another post that you mentioned cortisone shots. Are they a temporary solution to your back pain? Please know I'm sending a ton of good vibes your way.
  17. Thanks for asking, Kay. I had to get a second script of antibiotics for the infection as the first didn't quite clear it up. It is almost gone now. I have an appt. on Tues. for the crumbling tooth. Afraid if he tries to smooth it off, it will crumble more. Not sure what he can do, maybe put an aluminum cap over it. What an exciting life I lead! Gin, we're your brother's children ever able to find someone to care for him or will he allow it? I know how worried you are.
  18. It's not so much that I've lowered my standards, but that I just can't do it anymore and the guys are definitely not housekeepers. Although this house is very old, I always kept it neat and clean, the yard mowed and trimmed, the vehicles washed. Ron was very handy with all repairs after having helped his dad build their house growing up. Very little of that rubbed off on our son, so if it needs repaired, it stays broken. I'd love to have new flooring, window coverings, walls painted. It's not going to happen. Can't afford it, so just live with it the way it is. As for personal, I still want to look nice when I leave the house, but losing all these teeth is a real blow to my self esteem. The dentures are uncomfortable and affect my speech so I just stay home. I haven't even bothered to go for a haircut yet. There is no one to see it anyway except my dentist and I doubt he cares.
  19. Gwen, there are "nuts" in every walk of life and you are not one of them. The woman was completely out of line, especially since she had already checked out and was in no way being inconvenienced. This reminds me of an incident that happened to a co-worker. She was late one morning and arrived with a swollen, bloody face. She was at a stoplight and her horn started blaring. She was bent over the steering trying to figure it out and a man came up to her window and punched her in the face. He was from the car behind her, not in front. She was so stunned, she just drove on to work. You have every right to stand up for yourself, be it $1 or a million. People need to stay out of other people's business.
  20. Dee, I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Maddie. I hope your daughter will be able to remain with you for a while. Peace to you and take care.
  21. 100 were arrested in Phoenix and 12 in Scottsdale last night. Don't know the charges in Phoenix, but Scottsdale's were "unlawful assembly". I guess that's better than nothing. You're right Gwen, these acts of destruction completely overshadow the purpose of peaceful demonstrations. What is the purpose of looting Crate & Barrel, Neiman Marcus, or PF Chang's as was done here.. Stupidity! We now have an 8pm curfew statewide. Martial law is here, tension is high, and guns don't ask questions. Is this what they really wanted?
  22. Silly me! I guess I thought this "mob mentality" would be confined to the downtown area of Phoenix. It is midnight here and groups of people are breaking into stores like Neiman Marcus in the high end mall about 4 miles from my house. I doubt these people are honoring any cause but their own. They do not want to mess with the cops in Scottsdale, trust me! As if this virus wasn't enough already........
  23. It is a mess here today. As is happening in other large cities, "peaceful" demonstrations along with looting and property destruction is occurring in downtown Phoenix. How stupid people act sometimes. I lived near Watts in CA during the 60's and watched from our roof as people burned their own community. How dumb is that? What did it accomplish? In addition, there is a large brush fire burning about 20 miles north of me in an area called Cave Creek. The entire area is being evacuated as homes burn. It is doubly sad as it's an area full of huge homes, ranches, thoroughbred horses, etc. I can just imagine trying to evacuate it. I sure hope everyone and the animals get out safely. The Emergency Alert system really flubbed on this one. For the first couple of hours, all they broadcast was an immediate evacuation for all of Maricopa County, nothing more, no explanation. Then finally they added the rest of the info about the fire. Drove police crazy in all cities for those 2 hours wondering what was going on. Another exciting night of TV for me!
  24. Marg, the little dog is precious. I'm so sorry you are ill and have fallen to top it off. When I tripped over the dog in the hallway, it took forever for the bruises and soreness to go away. I felt more stupid than anything. Many years ago, I had Valley Fever. After it was gone, the skin test was always positive. That is common. I wonder if TB is the same way. I started Season 1 of Longmire. It is a good show, but disappointing that it is filmed in New Mexico instead of Wyoming. Lou Diamond Phillips is forever young. He is 58 and looks about 30.
  25. Holidays, except Christmas, usually don't affect me one way or another, but this one depressed me. Perhaps it's because I don't feel well or don't have the financial means to pack up and get out of town. A news story centered on vehicles loaded with coolers and camping stuff, people heading for the mountains or lakes. It brought to mind the many times we did the same or were off to the cabin. Some memories are nice, but others are so very painful.
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