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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by Leann

  1. Hi, everybody.... One thing that absolutely terrifies me is that, as the years go by, I'll forget what my Dad's presence feels like (does that make sense?). I won't let my brother change the answering machine at our farm because it has my Dad's voice on the message. I was wondering....what strategies are you all using to keep your folks close to you? Hope you all have a good day. Wishing you comfort and peace, Leann
  2. Hi, Shelly and Lori: Thank you so much for your replies; I just logged on and read them. Evenings seem to be the worst time for me. My days and nights are all mixed up. When I can't sleep I get up and read or I journal. It is so nice to read your responses tonight....it's so nice to know someone doesn't think I'm losing my mind or that I should be starting to "get over it" by now. My mother is still living and I know I'm driving her crazy. I call her about every evening just to hear her voice. I'm just so afraid of losing her now, too. And I know, in my head, that that day will come...but it doesn't help. I was sitting out on my back step a few moments ago, crying to my Dad. I said to him, "I wish you were here so bad." Just as I said that, this one star suddenly started blinking brighter than all the others. It blinked three times this way. I'm pretty sure that was my Dad. I'm looking forward to talking with you both some more. Leann
  3. Hi, LoriKelly: I'm new to this group, so I appreciate the opportunity to join you. My Dad passed away unexpectedly on June 18th (Father's Day). Some days I miss him so much I can hardly breathe. We talked on a daily basis about everything. The other day I went to pick up the phone to call him; then I remembered..... I was just over at the CVS pharmacy next door to my apartment building to pick up a prescription a few minutes ago. I happened to walk down the aisle where shaving items, etc. were. I happened to glance over and see the Old Spice products. I started to cry right there in the middle of the store; my Dad used Old Spice. I'm told this is normal; one minute you think you're doing ok, then the next minute the tears come crashing back over you. It is very confusing.... I'm very glad to know there's someone who feels much as I do right now. Hopefully, it will comfort you likewise to know that you're not alone. Wishing you hope, comfort, and peace, Leann
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