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My Kevin came back

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Obviously Kevin did not physically come back, I have been having a very hard month, very few days of any comfort, have been stuck in the darkness trying so figure out how to head to the light again, everyone knows how I believe that they walk with us and everyone knows about my butterflies but for quite awhile I have not received any signs from Kevin until tonight I got to work early and was checking my emails as I closed out of my emails Pandora popped up on its own I touched nothing it came up as "Creed Radio" the song came up One Last Breath" as you all know I love music and especially Kevin's music I listen to that song outside alot when I am thinking of him he loved Creed and that song hold meaning at first I was startled, them happy then sad and started crying, when I got home I went into the phone and clicked on the Pandora button and the Creed Station popped up again so I pressed it and it was all Kevin's songs or songs relating to my feelings when I listen to music  I type it in the search bar so I guess my Kevin decided it was time for him to let me know he is still here and never truly left it is bitter sweet.

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For what it's worth Robin I find that Kathy is gone for months at a time and in my first years on this journey I thought each time that she was gone forever.  It's my opinion that they leave and come back. There have been times for me when I was having a particularly hard time in my grief when she would make her presence known. To say it helped me would be an understatement. The last two weeks have been a very difficult time for me but she is not here this time. I know now that I can't always count on it. I think she has somewhere else to be.  I wish I could explain the feeling I have that weeks for me are like seconds for her. Just a hunch I guess but I've learned to trust those hunches.  For now I just know that I am a lot stronger than I was in 2011 and maybe she knows that but I want to display some lyrics of a song I found on her IPOD after she died which is a very powerful song concerning after life communication. It was indeed incredible to find it there almost as if she wanted me to.

Camino Palmero from "The Calling" entitled "Wherever you will go"


And maybe I'll find out a way to make it back someday

To watch you, to guide you

Through the darkest of your days.



You might try and listen to this song for it speaks volumes.

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Steve thank you for sharing the song I am definitely going to listen to it music is my coping skill so thank you for sharing, I know that they can not always show us signs and that they have a whole new place to explore full of beauty,love I am learning to accept his physical absence but his spiritual absence is something that I need to hold on to  I need to feel he is forever walking with me until we are reunited sometimes it is the only thing that keeps me going, hopefully in time it will be easier and I will get stronger.

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