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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

I lost Chloe

robert Dahowski

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I had to put my beautiful Pom/Poodle (mostly Poodle) down last Thursday.  Chloe had a terrible disease called Cushings.  I did everything I could,  multiple pills and drops never slept a full night so I could let her out in the middle of the night and hand fed her.  She was only 8 years old and I could not believe how this disease took her over.  She ended up so frail and had no life as I carried her up the stairs and out to go to the bathroom.  She was never in any pain though as I continually checked with the vet.  I miss just holding her and telling her how much I loved her.  I had to do it because it was the right thing to do, but I still cry every day.  The hardest part about owning a beloved pet is saying goodbye.

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Oh Robert, I am so sorry to hear that you had to 'put down' your precious Chloe.  I am sure you did all you could do for her and that your love for her shows in your note.  I am so glad she was not in any pain.  I think when we lose a special pet it cracks part of our heart. And it hurts so much. We never really know when the time is right but as you said it was the right thing to do and for your Chloe I know it was.

To love so deeply hurts. And having lost a few very special pets I understand that saying goodbye is so hard. 

Do you have a picture that you would want to share?  

Sending hugs to you.


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Robert, I am so sorry for your loss.  A good parent does what is in the best interest of their entrusted...as you did for Chloe.  I'm glad you didn't let her suffer and gave her good care.  It's hard learning to live without them here with us, being patient with adjusting, the triggers, it's all hard...one day at a time.

Do you have her buried nearby or cremated?

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