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Feeling Pretty Wiped Out


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Hi, everybody...

I writing this post as I leave for work....the past couple of days have been hard ones. I'm sooooo tired; it's taking everything I have to get up and go to work this morning. I would just love to stay home and sleep today, but I know that's not good. Work is a lonely place these days. Some of my colleagues are avoiding me.....some are walking on eggs shells....I know it's because it's hard for them to know what to do right now, but it makes things even lonelier for me. There's a small group that came to Dad's visitation and have been supportive all the way through, so I tend to turn to them more. All of this is just so exhausting.

Hugs to all,


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Hi Leeann,

I too get really, really tired during the day. It does not seem to be any reason for this tiredness.. It just seems to happen everyday around the same time... I think that it is part of the grief journey we are all on but I do not know for sure .... I have tried going to bed earlier but it does not seem to make a difference... I really do not know what to do either about being so very tired... Take care Shelley

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I get very tired also. i think grief just takes its toll on you. i think we are working so hard on this process that it wxhausts us. i then can't sleep at night which is so frustating. i wonder when it will get better and just take each day as it comes. i don't get much from work either. i have to wear the mask at work and sometimes i just want to be alone. i hope tomorrow brings a better day for all of us. lori

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Hi all,

Grief takes a LOT out of you. During the first few months after my Mom's death, I was sleeping 8-12 hours a day. Really pooped duiring the day.

It's all part of the experience. It gets you physically, mentally, spiritually, every which way.


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  • 2 weeks later...

That's only 6 1/2 hours of sleep! I know I need 8 hours at least, even when I am not grieving. Grief is very exhausting, you are not abnormal, and certainly not lazy. Even more than two years later, when an anniversary or his birthday comes up, I get much more tired and weepy. It's normal.

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Hi Ann,

I too feel like I really need eight to ten hours of sleep, My sister who I moved in with is an early riser no matter what... She always makes a joke when I sleep in on the weekends... I kind of laugh it off but sometimes I would like to scream at her.... Take care Shelley

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Hi Amanda,

I have been told feeling this way was normal, I have felt this way for along time. I lost both my parents in one year and that is why I think I am still feeling this way... I am so glad when I found out it was normal because that is all I need is to be abnormal now after everything that has happened... Take care and hugs to you Shelley

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Hi everyone,

I can relate to all of you...

Everyday I come home from work, I take a nap... never in my wildest dreams did I do this previous to losing my mom...

My counsellor told me that this would happen... For me, there was the extreme anxiety and worry when Mom was in the hospital.... then the numbness when she passed... the days of not sleeping... which I am sure you have all experienced... the big crash as I refer to it now...

Maybe it is just that we all realize in our journey, that we now live our lives on day at a time, some of us it is one minute at a time, the pure mental exhaustion just kicks in and we have finally figured it out to give into our needs and sleep when we need to... nothing abnormal in that...

It is just all part of the grieving process...

Who knows how long it will last... maybe we just need to cherish our nap times, take the time to lay down, calm our minds and just drift off in to nothingness.. at least for me I find it comforting to just let it all slip away and not have to think....

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I couldn't agree more. The "not having to think" part is very important to me! I too take naps, which I never did before! I just have to let my mind and my body have a break from all the sorrow and stress and worry and on and on....sleeping is a magical way of coping with all this.

Hugs and lots of naps to all,


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I pray for the nights to come so that another day is over. i don't sleep great so i take tylenol pm to go to sleep and sometimes it is not a sound sleep. yesterday i was feeling low and took a nap for 3 hrs while the boys are in school. feeling sad makes you tired and the crying does not help. i think if we need to sleep and can then we should do it. i think anything that helps we should do. this grief thing is so hard so whatever relief we can get take it. lori

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Hi, all....

I nap many after noons after I get home from school. It's simply exhausting to do even the basic things I have to do during the day. I think I'm sleeping better at night, but it's with the help of a nerve pill my doctor perscribed me. It's not a deep sleep, but I think I at least rest. I relish every opportunity to rest.

Hugs to all,


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