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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Dad's Birthday

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Hi, everybody:

My Dad's bithday is coming up (November 1st) and I've been having a rough time the last couple of weeks. Today I was in the CVS store having some prescriptions filled and picking up a few other things. I was in the card aisle selecting some birthday cards for a couple of friends of mine and I noticed some absolutely beautiful birthday cards for Dads. There were three that really spoke to me, so I bought them. Now what am I going to do with them???? :blush: I'd like to "send" them to him, but how? A friend of mine has suggested that I continue buying cards for my Dad if it helps me feel better; she thought maybe a scrapbook would be good. I don't know...all I know is that I had to buy those cards! :blush:

Love to all,


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I don't think it was bad for you to buy the cards. i think we have to do things to help us get through the hard times. i say write what you need to write inside of them and then put them away . maybe one day you will be able to read them again. i will be thinking of you. lori

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Thanks everybody for your wonderful ideas. Dad's birthday is this week (Wednesday)and my brother and I are planning our own little ceremony complete with a balloon release (with one of my cards attached). Thanks for the idea, Daddy'slilgirl! Then I'm going to take your suggestion, Shell, and put them out around my house. After his birthday, I'll put them in my scrapbook so I can look at them later.



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