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Hi All,

I am going to try and stand up for myself more, Which is really hard for me because I am very shy and do things myself rather than make waves or cause trouble... I really appreciate everyone here and that people here do not judge you when you make mistakes... Take care Shelley

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Hi Trudy,

Thank you for the kind words in your reply, I said it once and I will continue to say it that This website is a blessing from God... It is here to help anyone who needs help during a loss in their lives... Take care Shelley

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Shelley, dear ~

In your post yesterday you said, I am going to try and stand up for myself more, which sounds to me like a New Year's Resolution! :wub:

As I was doing some work for Hospice of the Valley this afternoon, I came across this article, which I think could have been written just for you:

I Hereby Resolve:

•That I will grieve as much and for as long as I feel like grieving and that I will not let others put a time-table on my grief.

•That I will grieve in whatever way I feel like grieving, and I will ignore those who try to tell me what I should or should not be feeling and how I should or should not be behaving.

•That I will cry whenever I feel like crying, and that I will not hold back my tears just because someone else feels I should be “brave” or “getting better” or “healing” by now.

•That I will talk about my loved one as often as I want to, and that I will not let others turn me off just because they can’t deal with their own feelings.

•That I will not be afraid or ashamed to seek professional help if I feel it is necessary.

•That I will try to eat, sleep and exercise every day in order to give my body strength it will need to help me cope with my grief.

•To know that I am not losing my mind and I will remind myself that loss of memory, feelings of disorientation, lack of energy, and a sense of vulnerability are normal parts of the grief process.

•To know that I will heal, even though it takes a long time.

•To let myself heal and not feel guilty about feeling better.

•To remind myself that the grief process is circuitous – that is, I will not make steady upward progress. And when I find myself slipping back into the old moods of despair and depression, I will tell myself that “slipping backward” is also a normal part of the grief process and these moods, too, will pass.

•To try to be happy about something for some part of every day, knowing that at first, I may have to force myself to think cheerful thoughts so eventually they can become a habit.

•That I will reach out at times and try to help someone else, knowing that helping others will help me to get over my depression.

•That even though my loved one is dead, I will opt for life, knowing that is what my loved one would want me to do.

– by Nancy A. Mower, in Bereaved Parents Share, January 1998, PO Box 460, Colton OR 97017

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Hi Marty T,

Thank you so very, very much for the article you posted in reply to my post... I too think that it is a perfect fit for what I am doing now... I want to personally thank you for going beyond your duty in helping me so very much and I am so very thankful for finding this website and all these wonderful and caring people... Thank you again and God Bless You Shelley...

P.S. I guess you are stuck with me because this is where I need to be until I feel that it is right for me to move on....

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Hi All,

I just wanted everyone to know that I will be away from January 19 to January 26 of this year reliving some of my childhood I hope... I wanted everyone to know so that people did not think I left again... Take care Shelley

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Hi Shell,

It is certainly nice to know that I am missed when I am not here. Not like at home where we just fight all the time and no body really cares about whether you are here or there.... Thanks Shell and Take care Shelley

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