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Happy New Year :o)


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Hi friends--I was on a break for the past 2 weeks. It was wonderful. I was away from people that stress me out that make me wonder if I live in a parrellel universe. I had an amazing talk with my husband with the way we want our lives to go this next year...and beyond. I am forcing myself to look ahead. I am determined to be positive and cut out negative people from my life this year--without apologizing. Even fair weathered friends, I have already dismissed in my mind. I feel so in control, making these resolutions to make my life a happier town to live in. I figure its my life, my only one!!

Over the holidays I was thinking about all you sweet people who have answered my questions. I thank you so much & I am so thankfull for my new perspective on the way some people deal with their loss. I never realized how devastating it could be & then to read some of the posts on here, it has just opened my eyes and made me a more compassionate person.

I think a way we can all feel better is helping people in whatever capacity. I made a casserole for my friends who have a 7 month old baby and they were in heaven. It made me feel so happy inside. I am going to continue to find ways to help other people in order to keep helping myself. If you are interested, I found this site--www.volunteermatch.org.

I just want to thank you, the ones that have posted to my posts, for your thoughts. There is a real girl sitting behind here appreciating your wisdom.

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I am so happy for you. It seems you have turned a very important corner in your life and I think we can all benefit from your point of view and attitude. You're right, it's our only life and we have to live it!

I am certainly going to check out the volunteer site. I agree that helping others is healing. And I also agree that you have to get rid of the negative people in your life. Like you, I have already dismissed several fair-weather friends. And I am happy to do so.

Thanks for this uplifting and hopeful post. It really made me feel good just to read it! Good luck!



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Your post made me smile. I know that feeling when you have made the decision to do something and it feels right and "freeing". I have used the site you shared with us in the past and it is great. I have been a volunteer Girl Scout leader going on 4 years now. It has been great to get to know these children, I do it because my beloved Mom did it for me. She was my Girl Scout leader and I have so many fond memories of her and being in her troop.

Best wishes for you in the new year!


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Volunteering is great! In whatever capacity you can manage, it certainly does help you expand your "comfort zone" and get "outside yourself".

I volunteer every Sunday. Whatever you can do, wherever you can, a little or a lot!

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