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Lisa Williams

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I was wondering if anyone has watched that Lisa WIliams show on Lifetime. And, if so, I'd like to know what you think about her. I feel this whole talking-with-the-dead stuff is just actors acting a part on a stage. On the other hand, I would like this to be true. I would like to be able to say my final goodbyes to my best friend and my other friends who had passed.

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Yes, I watch her show. Like you, I'm not sure what to believe. I truly believe that some people have that ability, but it seems weird when they can read "everyone"! But she sure makes it look real, so maybe it's true. Like you, I would like to believe totally and do a reading with someone like her, if I knew it was real. I guess it's like religion, you either believe or you don't. There's no way to prove it, unless they did a reading with you and it was amazing. So if you ever try it, let us know!



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I've watched her and, you know, I don't know. I also watch John Edwards. I guess I probably do believe there's something to it, who knows what God has in mind for us. It's interesting. I just feel my Jack is with me, in a very different existence, but there when I need him. So, who knows?

Your friend, Karen :wub:;)

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I have, uncharacteristically, looked into some of this stuff recently and it is intriguing. For example, someone posted elsewhere on this forum about "Induced After Death Communication" which was accidentally discovered by someone treating post-traumatic stress syndrome in war veterans -- they now claim they can safely induce, using directed eye movement exercises in a clinical setting, something that is similar to a near death experience in 70% of people, in which the departed loved one or concern, or if you're a vet, perhaps someone you blew to smithereens and felt bad about it, will appear to you and assure you in a manner that results in consistently rosy clinical outcomes, that they are alright and they forgive you and everything is okay, etc. These experiences are very "real" and not the usual disorganized dream-like stuff.

As therapists, they take no position on what this really is, all they care about is that it works, so who cares if it's manufactured by your own mind? And a lot of people believe that one's entire universe is manufactured by your mind anyway, so perhaps there's no practical difference.

I have actually toyed with the idea of shelling out $600 and two days of my time plus at trip to Chicago to experience this ... but the funny thing is that just being open to the possibility that Linda has actually survived in some recognizable form, that she finally exists free of suffering in something resembling a just world, and that we still have some kind of connection, has been oddly comforting ... even as a working hypothesis that, intellectually and empirically, I see no proof of whatsoever.

I actually feel her kind regard and presence off and on the past few days and get the sense she is rooting for me. Is it really her, or is it Memorex? Who cares as long as it provides some relief, I guess. Any port in a storm.


I've watched her and, you know, I don't know. I also watch John Edwards. I guess I probably do believe there's something to it, who knows what God has in mind for us.

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That's why I want to do this, though. There will be no 'intermediary' - just me and whatever I experience, first hand. I don't need this for any other loss but my current one, because that's the ONLY one I haven't received tangible, direct, experiential signs of my loved one's continuing life force for....and I'm worried now because of that. There's just no substitute for your own mind/experience to convince you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've joined Lisa Williams' email list. I'll see how that goes. There's a drawing to win free tickets to get a reading by her.

Desert Bob, I'm not in Chicago, but there is an Induced After Death Communications therapist in my town. I'm just waiting for him to get back to me.

It's strange how my deceased friend's grandma, mother and I are all having the same dreams. In our dreams, he's calling us on the phone, he sounds incoherent - kind of ghostly like in the distance. From what I can make out in my dreams is that he's asking me to hang out with him

Hey, shell! It's been a while.

Maylissa, you have had experiences with other losses of loved one's?

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Nice to see you again here! It sounds to me like you're still pretty tuned-in, just as with your earlier dreams, and so is your family.

Yes, I've had dream visitations from everyone who's crossed - where my feelings were more 'colour-saturated', so to speak, than they ever are in waking life, and also so unlike regular dreams. There have also been some movements of objects with no logical source to cause those movements, odd electrical events and a multitude of other, more symbolic but highly personal signs. As well, in the past I've experienced more tangible visits from my fur-boy (tactile, auditory, etc.)...but am still waiting with bated breath for those same kinds from my fur-girl. However, in a formal attempt at direct communication with my girl, after I'd previously received a very odd olfactory sign 3 or 4 times, she explained them quite simply....and it was nothing that I myself could ever have come up with in my own head (and was terribly amusing, to boot!), as I'd been totally focused and obsessed upon receiving a completely different olfactory sign from her than the one that had come instead.

I've also very recently tried another formal communication with someone else's companion animal, both when they were very ill and AS they were releasing from this world, and it does appear that I honestly tuned in properly, at least in a few ways and with different senses. I received validation for a few things I picked up on and parts of the connection ended up jibing with what was really going on, unbenownst to me at the time. It seems I'm finally starting to develop this latent skill a bit more all the time. It feels very exciting, gratifying and sacred, to say the least. And just as importantly, it has already helped someone with their grief, and that's pure GOLD.

It rather amazes me how either fearful or highly skeptical some people are about these things, yet on dedicated pet loss boards and in holistic health, therapeutic and healing circles in society today, these things are so common among people's experiences, that it appears more normal than not.

Not every professional psychic &/or medium &/or intuitive is great at it and some are total shams, but that is NO different from what you'll find in any other profession. But equally, some of them are quite fabulous at it! Scientists don't always get 100% accuracy in either their experiments, conclusions or studies, and in real fact, often get VERY much wrong, yet not many people question their work....though they probably should! But the realm of psychic phenomena, super-sensory, or as some call it transcendsory (being beyond our 5 senses) experience, is somehow seen as material to be scoffed at, though there are many examples of it even in the Bible, which have been recognized as such, and even revered. It has always been a part of our basic make-up and it just gets censored out of most of us when we're still children. However, it's still there, laying dormant....gee...sort of like how grief does, until we're ready to tackle it! ;)

If you want to see science marrying with the transcendsory (finally :rolleyes: ), check this link to Dr. Gary Schwartz, Ph.D.'s site on "The Afterlife Experiments", "The Energy Healing Experiments" and "The G.O.D. Experiments".


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Hi! Good to see you posting again. I'm going to check out Lisa Williams site. I was just watching her earlier and she amazes me. I'd love to have a reading by her, because for me that would either prove or disprove her talents. I think that's the only way anyone would know for sure how real these people are. I do believe in all of this, but not sure about some of these people on TV, ya know? By the way, has you seen the "Psychic Challenge" show? If so, what do you think?



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I'm glad to be posting here again. I've missed you guys and your support. I'm just so busy with school. I started taking Italian and that's been a headache. But, I really like the instructor. She makes the class a whole lot of fun. She's so cute with her italian accent. I would have never guessed she was italian with her having blond hair and blue eyes.


I think I had posted this before. It was either a vision or a dream I had about my cat where I was seeing him going under a mobile home, laying himself down and going to sleep. I just had a feeling he had passed at that moment long before I had started getting worried when he didn't come home after three days. He was never away from home for more than two days. I had that vision eight hours after he went outside. I have had dreams of him every now and then. He looks happy in each and every one of them. He sees me and comes running up to me with his loud roaring meows just as he had usually done when he was alive. He never liked any other cats but he loved people. One time, he stood up to a golden retriever and the dog went running. He would go up to anyone hoping they'd pet him. I suppose he was brave or naive. Yep, that was Sam.


The Psychic challenge. I've been wondering myself. It feels a bit scripted to me. Who knows. I like that one middle aged lady with the dark hair. She said something once about how she does better with the dead than with the living. She seems a bit kooky but interesting. She made it to the next round anyway. I do have to believe in the psychic stuff because I have had a few psychic experiences of my own. I have heard that some people who have had tragic trauma events in their lives that their senses become heightened. I can attest to that theory. I've had some traumas of my own and I've noticed my senses are heightened like they never were before. I sense things like danger, or that somethings not right and even presences that can't be seen. To answer your question, yes, I do believe that they possess those abilities but I also feel that it is a bit scripted for entertainment.

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I agree, they do seem a bit scripted. Some of them seem very "talented" and others seem like cons to me, but it's an intersting show. I also believe people are psychic, as my mom was somewhat. I, too, have had some "experiences" and as you said, the more trauma I go through, the stronger it seems to be. Anyway, it will be interesting to see who wins! The woman you're talking about kind of creeps me out, but she's definitely interesting!



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i have a appt with a physic on dec 1st. she is used by the state police of nj, ny and delaware. a friend of mines mother went missing 13yr ago, the police just reopened the case and believe she was murdered. this women is helping in the case. i am excited but also nervous. she told my friend so much stuff, things that she never could of found out. i only hope i will hear from my mom. i will let you all know. lori

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Lori, I can't wait to hear what happens too.

shell, that woman is definitely freakish yet interesting. I tell my mom every now and then about that dream I had of her dad, my grandfather, where he tells me it's his time to go and he asked me to take care of my mom. I had this dream before we had found out of his actual death but she believes that there is nothing to the dream. What do you guys think?

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Hey everyone,

I had a thought and wondered what you guys think of it. Watching the Lisa Williams show it occured to me that most of the situations she deals with are where unresolved issues were around when the person died or the death of the person had unanswered questions to it. So when some of us get upset because we don't feel our loved ones are trying to send us messages, maybe it's because there weren't any serious unresolved issues left, so they don't feel the need to send us any message. Does that make sense?



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I get a lot of messages from my family members who have crossed over.

I do believe mediumship is possible, but not all of them are true, some are fakes. It's hard when it's on TV. But I saw John Edward in person, and he seemed quite real. He also gave me a reading, and absolutely everything he said was exactly on target, to my ex and how he died, and my uncle's death and his name. Plus some other things about a suicide.

But I believe we can learn to recognize our loved ones' presence without a medium. My ex sends songs that answer my questions, and electrical things happen without any explanation, and I have had many, many dreams where he comes and tells me things that later turn out to be true.

Read the book Hello From Heaven. It can teach you what to look for, and you find out from that book just how amazingly widespread the experience of getting signs from those who have passed on really is.


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How wonderful that you get all these signs! The thing is, my mom was somewhat psychic and I am a teeny tiny bit, but nothing compared to her. I just keep wishing I would get more signs (I've had a few, I think). Thanks for the book suggestion, something I'm definitely going to read! And thanks for sharing your experiences!



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  • 2 weeks later...


I got the book you recommended and am really enjoying it. I have had ADCs and so did my mom. Also my neighbor and one of my moms best friends, so I do believe in them. I just feel hurt that my mom hasn't "contacted" me in some way, though I think she might have, but can't be absolutely sure of this incident. I thought surely she would. I know that's stupid and probably selfish to feel hurt, but does anyone else feel that way?



Edited by MartyT
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