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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Thought For The New Year

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Someone emailed me this last night:

"Don't curse the the dying of the flame, instead celebrate how brightly it burned"...at first I just dismissed this and hit delete. But, tonight as I think about the new year ahead, I keep thinking about the quote. I know my mom would be telling me the same thing. I want to be able to move past my anger and how much I focus on how my parents died. I want to celebrate the time I had with them. I know it will be hard and sad, but I want to think about all the happiness my parents gave to my family and so many others. I want to focus on all the people that loved my parents. My parent's flame burned so bright, and I had lost sight of that. I am not big on New Year's Resolutions, but this is one I will try and keep.I wish you all a peaceful night.

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Hi Suzanne,

Bless your parent's bright light in the lives of others, and especially yours, and bless your celebration of life. Happy New Year to the wonderful things you'll be doing in this coming year.

Your friend, Karen :wub:;)

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That is so perfect!

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