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My Son Is Being Evicted


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Hi Guys,

I haven't posted for some time now but I always read and you guys are so great. I have the need for your friendship. Those that know me also know I have a mentally ill son who's been living on his own for a while now. The mentally ill people are targeted by the drug people because of their vulnerability. This is the third time that Danny will be evicted and my heart just breaks for him. I hope that he will accept the residency his caseworker is offering him versus to being on the street. I've been advised not to have him live with me and there's only the Salvation Army. It's just killing me to even think of that. I can't let it happen. Hopefully, he won't loose his housing subsidy, but I don't know yet. I have to move all of his stuff again and whatever "those" people have left there (protective gloves are required.) Please send out thoughts or prayers for strength for Danny to accept residency again and for me to get through this. In this life there are always so many things we have to deal with, and as you know, sometimes it just plain gets you down. I just wish my Jack were here for me to lean on.

Love, Karen :angry::angry2::(

Edited by karenb
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Karen you know without a doubt you and Danny will be in my thoughts and prayers, I just wish I had a solution for you, this just isn't fair. You have always been such a wonderful influence on me and I just wish I could help you in some way as you know I love you very dearly. If there is anything I can do please let me know. Please let us know what is happening with this as this is very scarey and please be very careful !!!

Love You,

Wendy :wub:

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Bless your sweet heart, Wendy. You are always there. It is scary! I never go there alone. I know he's afraid because there was a butcher knife near the door. But he never says anything to me. I just pray I can get him out of this situation and I also (and I know this probably will never happen) ask that those drug people get what they deserve, and I can't print what I would like to happen!!!! I feel like I'm from Jersey. Thanks for your support, my very good friend. You are special.

Love, Karen :(

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Karen, dear, I'm so very sorry that you must bear this heavy burden, in addition to everything else. I don't know why life must be so difficult for so many of us sometimes. I hope it helps to know that we are here for you to lean on ~ and we are holding you and Danny in our hearts and in our prayers . . .

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Thanks Marty,

You know the tears for those that have passed are very different from the tears that we feel for those that are here, with illness, pain, and suffering. Those tears just seem to go on, and on, and on. I always try to keep spirits up and look for God's plan in whatever is happening - sometimes it's difficult. Thanks, again, Marty.

Love, Karen :wub::(:(

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:( Karen, I am so scared for you. I know you said you don't go by yourself but with "drug" people you never know what they'll do. I hope Danny takes the advice of the counselor. I hope it can be done so these people can't or won't want to find him because of where it is.

I am sorry that you must go through this with your loss of Jack. I know he is putting his arms around you and will try to protect you too.

Just be careful.

Mary Linda :wub:

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Thanks Mary Linda,

I am carefull because I know what they can do. All I can do is pray that my son will accept going back to residency...you just don't know what mentally ill people will do. I think he will. He's a harmless person and wouldn't do harm to anything ever and that's why they prey on people like him. Thanks for your support.

Your friend, Karen :wub:;)

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Oh Karen I'm so sorry this has happened. And I too will pray he accepts the residency opening. I hope he can see that he would be better off living there.

And I agree .. there are different tears for those that are still with us than those we have lost. But I bet your Jack will be looking out for your son wherever he ends up.

And, if you can, please do take someone with you to help move whatever is left there of his. And I'll cross everything that he will retain his housing subsidy. Keep us posted.

Try to make sure you are going gently with yourself too.

I like your attitude about knowing there is a Plan somewhere in all of this.



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Thanks you guys,

It so sad, all this. I just pray that my son will be a happy person some day. He's accepted the fact that he will be going back into the Lake Whatcom Residential and Treatment Center. His voice sounds sad. I don't know if his caseworker will be able to save his future housing. My long term plan is to try and get him closer to where I live, but that might take a couple years. There just is no housing for mentally ill people and no work, even part-time. I'll never give up hope, though. You would never know he has a problem except that he's just quiet, and he smiles very little. I'm calmer now that I know he has a place to go. I'm very grateful for my daughter's support. She is a wonderful girl. Thanks for your concern, my friends, I really appreciate it.

Love, Karen :wub:

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Like we all say, one step at a time. You've got one down and who knows how many to go but know that we are all at your side.

I live in a relatively small town (12,000) and even we have what is called a mental health workshop where the mentally ill build the spools for the big cables, picnic tables, etc. I'm surprised there is nothing like that out there. Most of the employees live in what they call CILA housing and a van picks them up for work and takes them home.

Hope you can get him closer to you and maybe the "drug" people will leave him alone.

I'll be praying for you.

Mary Linda

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Danny does have a one day a week job doing janitorial work on the Canadian border and a van picks him up for that. It's just hard to find the work. I feel he'll be fine now that he will go to the Residency and get the daily support he needs. He really can't live alone. I would have him home, but the caseworker advises against it and it would be hard for him I know. He needs to be around people. It'll work out. I have faith. Thanks.

Love, Karen

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Karen I am so glad everyone is okay and things are looking alittle better. I just don't understand what the caseworker is saying, you are people too and his mother. There must be activities you can get him involved in to see other people his age besides being home with you. Wouldn't you be able to relax alot more and see that he is getting the attention and stimulation he needs? Obviously what the case worker has been saying to do so far isn't working and is dangerous and stressful....for you both !


Wendy :wub:

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We're hanging in there. It's the old story, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. There have been many opportunities for Danny to be with people, do things, etc. but he rarely chooses to do so. He's always been pretty much a loner. He will be okay at the residency until I can get him closer to home and dealing with the organizations takes an awfully long time. I'll just be patient. At least I know he'll be safe where he's going. Thanks, Wendy.

Love, Karen :wub:

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