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Morning, Just wanted to ask if this has happened to any one else. It has been 8 months since Rick has left me. I have coped ok i guess. Did have the crying spurts here and there but the last few months I have been ok.I have been keeping busy and really haven't had any down time for me. Yesterday when i woke up i didn't even want to get out of bed. I did cause I had to go to work. But even at work staff would say to me are you ok. I could have cried at any thing at any moment. The tears were right there. I felt like this all day. My friend said it was a Blue Day for me and I was allowed to have that. I'm alright now. I just didnt like feeling that way. Have a good weekend everyone. Mrs. B

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Hi there Mrs B,

It hasn't happend to me yet but my sister told me that something similar happened to her. It was about four months after her husband's passing. She woke up one morning and started crying and just couldn't stop. Her daughter actually took her to the Emergency Room. They gave her some short term anti-anxiety meds and she snapped back quickly. Oh, I'm hoping I'm not in for a Blue Day but glad you got through yours.


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Dear Mrs. B,

I'm sorry you are in so much pain. While we hope for days filled with joy and sunshine and hold in our hearts the happiness we once had, there will always be days like this one. I chalk it up to that my love must be close by, that it is an extension of missing him physically, but a reminder he is here just the same. It is hard, because it is a time of growth. Be gentle with yourself. Take hope in knowing the intensity does lessen with time. Give yourself that gift of time. Healing is a journey of letting go as we seek the horizons yet to be.


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Mrs. B

I know how you feel...I have felt like this more than I care to...I plan to go shopping with my neighbors and all of a sudden I almost get a panic attack that I'm going to get trapped...This is when I need to go home...cry and read this Forum and visit with my family here...I cry because of so many things but most of all, my life is soooo changed and I hate the change....You are a courageous lady going to work when you want to just stay home and bawl your eyes out...I will pray for you..Bless you Rochel

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I know exactly what you mean. I have had quite a few "Blue Days" lately. I don't know if it is because everything is about the holidays right now even though Thanksgiving isn't here yet. No matter what I do sometimes I just can't snap myself out of it. I know that it is part of the journey but sometimes the tears just won't stop. I will never have the life that I once had and that is so hard to accept. I am patiently waiting for the day that the "Blue Days" do not come as often. I do know that whenever I am really feeling down and I need to talk to someone you guys are always here for me and I thank you for that.

Take care,


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I have certainly had days where most of it was spent on the couch. The only thing that got me up was the bathroom and my daughter. I guess that is part of the journey.


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