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Getting Out Of The House

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For what it is worth, for the first time in many years, I have not pushed myself to do things when I don't feel like it. I only go out when it feels right (with the exception of getting out for walks with Kailyn). And I am glad I haven't pushed it....getting back into "life" will happen when it happens and when we are ready. No one else can tell us when that is (I guess with the exception of someone becoming clinically depressed, and that person needs help and guidance).


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I just realized I never followed up on my getting out of the house post and how the dinner went. It was actually really good although I was nervous at first. We talked about a lot of old times because we knew each other for so many years. One has great grand children and the other has grandkids now. Glad I went...It showed me that the world didn't stop. The next thing on my mind is doing some kind of trip, even if it's for a day.

Best to all,


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Ted, I think its great that you got out of the house. I am trying to do that more as well. I'm finally getting the patience to be around more people and to do things. It's taken me a long time. I watched the first movie I've seen in a year yesterday. I just have not had the attention span to do that. Weird.

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Scott and I used to rent DVDs all the time, and really enjoyed the new blueray just while I was pregnant (and when we could once Kailyn was born). To date, the only times I have been able to watch DVDs are when someone else is around, or when I was visiting elsewhere. I have movies here I would like to watch (that I had bought over the years), but I just can't. Sigh.


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AZJane, Adrianne and I only went to the movies a few times a year but we made a big deal out of it. Couldn't wait to get the movie hotdogs, popcorn, Milk Duds and split a large Diet Coke. Didn't matter if we liked the movie that much...just loved hangin' out. I know I'll never be able to go the movies alone. Still watch a few DVD's but that's boring because she's not there to share them with even though she usually fell asleep watching them.



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I thought I was kind of weird because I'm not able to watch movies. I had to watch a movie for a paper requirement and almost lost it. It just doesn't seem the same without Brian. We used to go to an art center near our house where they showed non-mainstream movies. Brian was very tall and needed a lot of leg room. The end seats in the top row (stadium seating)had the whole aisle for leg room. We used to joke that it was "his seat." On the way to the theater, he would always say, nobody better be sitting in my seat. Doubt I'll ever be able to go to that theater. I miss him, I miss his humor, I miss his love.

Peace, love, and blessings,


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Jane, I watched a romantic comedy last night "Management" with Jennifer Aniston. This is the type of movie that toward the end, I would look over and see the tears coming down Adrianne's face and I would tease her about it. Well, last night when I looked over at the empty couch and her not being there, the tears started flowing. I think I'll stick to sci-fi or something she wouldn't have liked from now on.

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Phoenix people, Have you ever been to Farellis? It is a really fun place to see a movie. We went there on Thanksgiving as something different to do. You have a meal while watching the movie and they have cocktails, etc. A nice way to see a movie, have lunch or dinner and get out of the house. There were many singles there last week. I may try going alone sometime.

Ted, thanks for the tip on Management. I'm going to have to rent it. I just discovered the joy that is Redbox and I think I'll be using it frequently to keep my head entertained. I'm so happy to finally be able to actually watch a movie and have just this week started back to reading as well. I don't know why I couldn't read books (something I've always enjoyed) but I couldn't hold my attention long enough to do it until now. Ah, the joys of grieving. NOT.

Anyone getting out and about this week? I have an invite to Houston's but I'm not sure if I feel like going or not. One of my dh's best friends wants to take me but I know he has always harbored a crush on me and it makes me uncomfortable. I've told him several times that I am not interested in dating him but he is still giving it the old 'college try'. Too bad because he really would make a nice friend but I have to be so careful not to do the slighest thing that might be misread and I don't like being in that situation.

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Never tried Farellis and never heard of it but it sounds like something fun I'd like to try sometime. Now Houston's I have heard of...the one next to Ruth's Chris? If you like romantic comedy, the one Adrianne and I liked best recently was Elizabethtown. Maybe I'm not hip, but what is a dh?

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I just realized I never followed up on my getting out of the house post and how the dinner went. It was actually really good although I was nervous at first. We talked about a lot of old times because we knew each other for so many years. One has great grand children and the other has grandkids now. Glad I went...It showed me that the world didn't stop. The next thing on my mind is doing some kind of trip, even if it's for a day.

Best to all,


Hi Ted,

Do you ski?? I guess it may snow soon in AZ...Wouldn't want to break my leg, but I love to ski...Haven't done it in a very long time...have to be careful...Is it cold in AZ??? It is pretty cold here...Bless you, Rochel

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