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I'm Tired!

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Does anyone else feel exhausted? The last few days I've barely been able to put one foot in front of the other. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with my mood. I felt almost normal most of last week until my husband's birthday yesterday, but have been crying most of the day today. Still, the exhaustion is present regardless of whether I'm feeling okay or sad.

There is so much to do, but I'm too tired to do it properly. Even everyday chores take everything out of me. This whole car thing - the accident, insurance, searching for another car etc - was sort of the last straw, and the process is not even over yet. Getting through Christmas seems like a monumental task. What makes it worse is that I don't really enjoy anything.

Now it's four and half months. When does it get easier?


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I'm tired but that's because I have too much to do and not enough time for adequate sleep and relaxation.

You are going through tremendous stress and it is exhausting. It does get better but it's gradual. Try not to do more than you have to or want to (I know, it's tough, esp. when everything is on us to do now).

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I am utterly exhausted as well. I often wonder where all my energy has gone. It seems like I hae endured so much that I should have more stamina not less. I have canceled deorating the xmas tree twice this week. I can't seem to get organized enough to pull it off and I want it to be a fun night not an exhausted at the end of the day night.So I am shooting for the end of the week, but no promices and everyone seems to understand. I am slowly learning to just let things go as they best can. Hope you get energy back soon.


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I know exactly what you mean. Every second week or so, I become so exhausted that all I do is sleep for two days. The rest of the time I am able to get on with what needs to be done.

Maybe it is our defense mechanism that is making us rest to build up our broken bodies. We all have gone through tremendous stress and probably need as much rest as we can get.


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It has been 7 months this Friday and I'm still exhausted as I still don't sleep more than 4 hours without waking up... I recognize that I have the "stress" of my loss and have many other outside stresses caused by my Michael's family that I working through and dealing with - I recognize this, though it doesn't make it any easier. My doctor suggested anti-depressants again and again I refused. I just remain optimistic and hope as I get through each "landmark", "anniversary" or "hurdle" it will at some point get easier and that sleep will come, energy will come back and maybe some form of acceptance? I've read several books now on grieving and read the many posts on this site and all that I'm going through seems kinda (sadly) "text book" ... Take care, Deb

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Every Friday marks another week and this Friday will be the eighth week since Clint died. I, too, am exhausted from papers and final exams while tending to my son who has fourth grade homework and little motivation to comlete his work correctly. I am tired of going over the same work with the same errors....he just won't apply himself and I'm just so out of it. I can't really work with him like I did before...I fluctuate between enthusiasm and depression and everything in between. I haven't done the laundry this week, nor have I cleaned the house as I should have. The dishes don't get done as often as they should and the floors need cleaning. It's like the usual things are so overwhelming. Where did all the energy go? I am sleeping better, but don't really want to get out of bed when I awaken, then don't want to go to bed either...tired of going to bed alone...

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