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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

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I have been on this site for a year now and just wanted to thank every one for being a wonderful support group to each other. It is so good to have a place to come to and be able to say whatever is in our hearts. So much that is said on this site probably would never be said to our families or friends, they would not understand, or it would worry them. But here we are all aware of the hurt we go through losing a spouse or partner.

I read more than I post and have learned so much from everyone, gotten encouragement when I have posted, and have felt at times that you are the only ones that understand me.

So, from my heart, I send thanks to all of the special people here.


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I'm sure I can speak for most of us, Thank You for being here...we all have a great healing power in numbers and sharing....


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I'm glad you're here too, you've helped me a lot, as has everyone else on this site. I've been here 7 months now and really I feel that this is the only place I can pour out my grief without worrying about people's reactions.


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Thank you Lainey, and all the others on this site, who share their ups and downs with us. I found this site in April last year, after my husbands death in January. Coming here, reading, occasionally posting, feeling the support has been wonderful, and I am so appreciative of all this wonderful support. I feel I have made many new friends, relationships cemented by our common losses. I probably don't post as often now, as I did in the beginning, but I read the posts every day. Right now, am very sad. My daughter in law, Debby lost her father yesterday. I will be traveling to Missouri in the next day or so to be with them. Debby and her father were very close. He lived with my son Chris and Debby. He had multiple health issues, and had triple heart bypass yesterday, and they just could not get his heart started again after the surgery. Pray for them.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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I also would like to say "Thank You" to everyone here. This site has kept me going through this journey and I consider you all my "online family" :) Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your daughter in law's dad. I will keep you all in my prayers and I hope you have a safe trip.


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I think the thank you is heart felt from all of us to our family here!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Lainey,

I would like to say Thank You to you! I have been blessed by your support and friendship. You are a blessing to all of us here too!

Mary, I hold your daughter-in-law in prayer as she weather's her loss.

Blessings and Courge, Carol Ann

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