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Hi all, Well today is Ricks Birthday and it will be two years that he has been gone. He would have been 54. I had all my family and friends write a favorite memory of Rick in a journal just months after he passed away. I tucked it away and i was going to read it when i felt like i could do it. Tonight is the night I think. I'm going to sit down later with a bottle of wine and read each one. Hopefully there will not be to many sad sad.gif tears but tears of happinessrolleyes.gif because they were good times and memories. Mrs.B

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Dear Mrs. B,

Birthdays and other important dates and anniversaries can be so hard. What a wonderful treasure and gift you have to sit down and read tonight. I hope that it serves to assist you in your healing.

If tears come; I encourgae you to just let them flow and know that they are only messengers of your healing and are good for you.

Courage and Blessings, Carol Ann

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Mrs. B

I am sure I speak for everyone as I say that our hearts will be with you as you venture into those messages and memories. I did that on the first anniversary and may do it every year to come. I wish you lots of tears of happy memories. mfh

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Mrs. B, that was such a great idea! How did it go?

Thinking of you...


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Thank you all for your kind words. I ending up have just a glass of wine not the whole bottle. Lol The stories were so moving and tears flowed. Not sad ones though. My niece wrote of when she needed a dad to skate with her for the father daughter number and he volunteered. The first night practice he fell hard and she remembered how it must of hurt. She was so happy that he did it with her so she got to enjoy the skate with her friends and not have to sit it out. My sister say he was her knight in shining Armour cause he was always rescuing her whether it was when she locked her keys in the car or car trouble or house troubles with water floods. My girlfriends husband and him were great buddies . Camping memories. Halloween pranks. All and all from the stories of their best memories they to all will miss him . Mrs.B

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So glad that the day was filled with happy memories...and a nice glass of wine :) mfh

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I'm glad you got to hear others' good memories of him, I don't think there's anything that warms a widow's heart more. :) And a glass of wine too!

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Dear Mrs. B,

Thank you for sharing how it went for you. Just warms my heart, happy that it was a sharing of wonderful happy memories for you. Good for you for not drinking the whole bottle.

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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