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Wow I can't add to that. Except to say that Pete and I were Pantheists and the spiral is a Pantheist symbol. I say 'were' because now that my Pete has died I'm not finding enough comfort in Pantheism and veering towards (I don't know what). Today someone wrote in the context of showing one of my Pete's photos 'the late Pete Crowther' and I HATED IT. I cannot and will not see him that way. "They tell me you are dead, but I don't have to believe it" is my philosophy.

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Thank you for that definition and description fae. Your humor is not lost on me. :) Am wondering what you've learned today, if anything yet. Will, of course, keep you in prayer. I have been sick today, unable to eat all morning, slept all afternoon and am considering fighting the heat to walk Arlie now.

Jan, your belief system is ever evolving, even as mine is. I don't see how it can be any other way for those who are open minded. :) It used to greatly bother me to hear that George was dead, or other terms, but it doesn't anymore...whatever label is put on it, it does not alter what is, and I am very convinced that he lives (although for tax purposes he is dead) even though in a different state than he did in his physical form with me. I am also certain that we will be together again. I don't need to know all of the answers to believe this, that is what my "faith" is for...and by that I do not mean religion. In the Bible it states that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. That seems to me to be as apt a definition as any of my faith. It is that belief that is not dependent on outward conclusions. Your philosophy seems to me to be very spiritual (for lack of another term) and you are very connected to all that is.

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Thanks Kay. Yes, we were always very spiritual and now I have become much more because I have to somehow make sense of the world without Pete's physical presence. In the last week a light has flickered unexpectedly, a Red Admiral butterfly has landed on my arm. I invest both these events with meaning. It doesn't matter if the old Jan would put them down to wishful thinking or coincidence. I look for messages.

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Jan, Mary and Fae, very interesting information about spirals. I have always been fascinated by them. I am a doodler (on the phone, especially) and that is mostly what I doodle.

Jan, what a special thing for you to hear from your artist friend.

I do believe in the signs, yours and all of our signs that we receive. I really believe this is the way the let us know they are around. I have a cardinal and some bluebirds that swoop through my porch, or rest on my rail. True or not.....they are my signs!


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A person only finds messages if they look for them so I think it's prudent to keep our eye out for things happening or showing themselves to us. How special to have the Red Admiral butterfly land on you!post-914-0-90905500-1404227676_thumb.jpg

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I agree, Kay, and even then I find the ones I get are always unexpected, taking me by surprise but if I was not looking...I would have missed them.

Jan, enjoy those moments and signs.

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Dear friends,

Relay is over and I am at least partially recovered. I can now begin to close the books on that effort for another year. When the dust finally settles, our team will have raised about $9000 for the American Cancer Society--fourth best among our Relay teams, at least for now.

I have some things to tie up this week for that, some serious house cleaning to get on top of--things get messy when crunch time arrives--and a couple of things I need to get done for the Marathon Walk. Next week a friend is coming in for a few days, so I'll take an extended break then.

The stuff about spirals was interesting. I've read The Golden Bough, but clearly need to go back to it--it has been too many years and I have forgotten so much.

Too hot to sit with the computer in my lap. I need to go put the ACs in the windows or I'll have trouble sleeping the next few days.



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Harry, you can pat yourself on the back. You are amazing and caring. :)

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Dear friends,

I forgot to post this pre-Relay picture. I challenged donors in the last month as a fundraiser--and ended up shaving my head for the event. Here's the pic. Laugh as you will.




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You better wear a hat or use sunscreen. :o

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Harry, no laughing, I have always found bald to be attractive, but Mary is right, hat or sunscreen. :) Your comment gave me a much needed laugh this week.


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Yes, hat and sunscreen go well together. I am using a zinc and titanium sunscreen called Cotz that my dermatologist said I must use after the last benign biopsies. Glad to hear you are using both.

Others will need dark glasses until the reflectivity lessens. ^_^

Congratulations on a very successful effort!


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You guys are too funny! Harry, you look fine, but just protect yourself. Congratulations on the $ raised, that's wonderful!

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What are plans for this 4th of July weekend? My positive is that I am putting aside as much as I can the family issues happening in my life, and my friends, Joe, Steve, Vive and I are grilling out tonight, here, and then going to the fireworks display downtown. At least I think I am going to see the fireworks, will depend on how clingy the girls are with the neighborhood fireworks going off. We shall see.


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Mary, it sounds like just what you need after what has been going on. Good for you

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Dear friends,

Happy Independence Day. I'll do my annual reading of the Declaration and the Constitution, then curl up with 1776. The only fireworks will be Nature's tonight as Arthur pays us a glancing visit. We've had our first squall line move through but the heavy stuff won't arrive until tonight. The Cape looks like it will get the worst of it. Here, we will get lots of rain and mugginess if the track remains where it is.

I spent yesterday trying to bring order back to the house after June's lunacy. More of that to do today--and AC units to put in.

My good news is the lethargy and depression that always follows a big project is finally lifting.

Have a good Fourth.



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Happy Independence Day to you all (fellow Americans)! I haven't decided whether or not to see the fireworks as I'd have to have a ride, not driving at night anymore...that and am not sure if I should leave the animals alone. Last night someone was setting off fireworks and it made Arlie and Kitty a bit unsure, I was glad I was there to help them stay calm. Their eyes got big and they looked extra alert but they didn't go beserk. Miss Mocha slept through it all. :) Had breakfast with one friend and will have a late lunch with another, don't think I'll have dinner.

Harry, glad you're feeling better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my new front porch steps on! Old steps are cut up and stacked for firewood...I'm finally in out of the sun and enjoying a break. (It's in the 90s again).post-914-0-39437600-1405542662_thumb.jpg

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Good for you Kay! The temperatures are unusually cool for July here in the Ozarks. Tomorrow highs are supposed to be under 70. I am in Hot Springs, staying at my brothers until Saturday. I spent the day at St. Vincent's hospital yesterday with my sister, who is slowly but steadily improving. Still in ICU, but little improvements every day. My BIG positive for yesterday is that I drove in horrible rush hour traffic from Little Rock to Hot Springs, and did not hit a single person!!!! I don't know how people do that every day!


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QMary, I am so relieved to know your sister is improving even though doing so slowly. You have to be tired. I am also glad to know you did not hit anyone on the road and I imagine those around you were pretty glad also. I have driven in that traffic a lot in my days in Chicago....takes a lot of patience.

Don't forget to take care of you.


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Kay, congratulations on the new steps. They look well put together, and I know this will make looking forward to winter easier for you. It's always nice to get these projects done.

QMary, congratulations on not hitting anyone. I drive in LA occasionally, and it is a challenge. Because I live in the country, the idea of rush hour traffic -- or any heavy traffic -- is not my cup of tea. I used to drive nonchalantly around Chicago in heavy traffic very often.

We can all be thankful we are not driving in Cairo, where people politely ignore all the traffic rules, but seem to have few accidents. Ah, and camels have the right of way, even on the divided highways. :)

I hope everyone is having a lovely day. It is very smoky here, with the smoke coming down from Canada fires. We are all coughing, and going gently through our days.



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QMary, your traffic story reminds me of how I felt as one from (back then) a very small town in northern Michigan having just moved to the northeast, driving for the first time on the New Jersey Turnpike (12 lanes wide at the time). I still don't know how I did that ~ It was white knuckles all the way, and I vividly remember the song lyrics playing over and over in my head: "If I can make it there I'll make it anywhere . . ." ;)

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