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I just met with a gal who is deeply interested in buying the Voice. We connected immediately. She is orginally from Bradenton, FL and I wrote a weekly column for them for 10 or so years. She was born in a town in Illinois where I taught school and well, we just connected over and above all that. She has a background in journalism and is currently in HR. Both needed skills for this venture. She is really interested and I am hoping she will buy it. I hope she can come up with the money. That was not discussed except for the price. Who knows. I have two others whose interest seems more vague but one never knows. I would love to see Voice continue....so would everyone else. But I am now preparing the final issue whether it sells or not.

I go into the next 11 days pushing hard to get everything done that I need to get done at a time when I am out of "push" so one day at a time. This includes a trip to Chicago to be with my brother during a surgery. The good-bye to Voice has ripped opened the very thin membrane that has formed over my loss of Bill (and which gets ripped on a regular basis)and over the loss of my profession (on hold for a while at least-maybe forever) leaving me feeling very vulnerable, ill-defined and well...more lost. At the same time I am more than anxious to see my role in the Voice end so I can heal my body and have time for me. It dawned on me that I prepared everything needed for Voice to be distributed by friends three days after Bill died as I also prepared his funeral and lived in a state of trauma and shock. Two weeks after he died, the next issue (that I put together) was at the printer. I do not remember any of that but I know it happened. I do not remember the first four months or so. Thinking about it made me aware of how hard I have pushed myself. (Yes, Marty, I am finally acknowledging what you have been telling me. :) ) Pushing is OVER in 11 more days!!! I know there will be some fall out. I am a bit frightened of that as I will have a lot of time, no purpose (in terms of being productive), carefully monitored money, no real sense of me or my life or my direction. Transition time... No longer in a cave, I am leaping off a cliff into who knows what. Someone told me that Bill would catch me on the way down.



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Mary, dear, I've no doubt that Bill will catch you ~ and not "on the way down," but rather as the wind beneath your wings.

Well, Marty, that started the faucets going! First, we used that song at Bill's funeral. Then, there is the whole thought of him helping me fly; keeping me safe; holding me up; just being with me (this is huge); and the picture of that ( painting???) of his supporting me as I attempt a new life of some kimd taking with me all the blessings and gifts of our relationship. I will hold this in my heart as I move through this next chapter. Thank you. That idea feels better than just being caught before I crash to the ground. Better to fly. Ironically Bill used to have lots of flying dreams...Thank you!!



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Oh Mary I so hope she will be the person to take Voice forward. And what lovely words from Marty. X

Hi Jan, you are up late. How was your day? I know you are having some tough ones and I am sorry but not surprised as you and I have discussed, it is just a painful path..

I also hope she buys it. She is perfect for it and she loves it. Her husband is a FLW architectural student so they will be here for many years. crossing my fingers. I will not be rigid with terms, believe me.

Sleep well.


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*hugs* I hope she is able to buy the voice.

Thank you, Lina. I hope so also. She is perfect for it and I could easily help her get going on it on a very limited basis (I put a few hours of consult into the package). I could also use the money for my retreat. Peace, Mary

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That was one of George's favorite songs too.

Mary, I hope and pray an offer will be made and it will help tide you over. I know this will be a big adjustment in your career and life but I think you have plenty to fill the time so that it will be a good adjustment and not a bad one.

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