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At age 57, I do not know if I will ever find love again. Surely not the same true LOVE that Pauline and I have. Do I want to travel though the rest of my life alone? No I do not think I do. I believe the Lord brought Pauline and I together for a reason. I know now why, so if, and when He places someone else before me, I will know. I walk by my faith, and trust in where it leads me.

I worked 10 hours yesterday, and a young lady in her early 40's was hitting on me, as I took her hand to check her ID. It is not ethical for me to respond to her in the same way. I had a job to do, and that was what I their to do. Inside it felt good, outside I could show her no other emotions, than my job required.

So like many of you on here, I would like someone to share life with again,

God Bless,


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Dwayne, sometimes I wish this had a "like" button! I hope you get someone in your life someday. I know it's hard doing life alone. I know I'm not old and have a lot of years left yet but I don't hold hope for that, I don't meet people through my job and no one really at church either, so I content myself with how it is. I do look forward to having grandchildren someday, and for now, I enjoy my granddoggies when they visit. :)

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Harry, what a lovely post. It brought tears to my eyes. I so related to having given up on love and then voila there is Bill and the dreams we had were taken too soon in spite of many glorious years of loving. I do wish for you, along with all the hard work you do for others, times to take in those bird nests, the earth's beauty...and maybe one day, when you are ready..a new partner to share those moments.

I wish you rest and peace,


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Harry, it was a lovely post, and a great way to look at life. It is hard, as you all know, to be grateful for things, when you heart hurts and you miss someone so much. So I think sometimes I let myself just sink into the grief (which has its place) and refuse to look at life going on around me. I played cards with some dear friends last night. As we were sitting there, I realized how blessed I am. We spanned the decades, in ages, 40s, 50s, 60s. These people were my friends before Mike died, since Mike died they have been there for me. They were Mike's friends also. We don't sit around and dwell on memories of Mike, but his name often comes up very naturally. I like what you said Harry. You had given up on love, so had Jane, and then suddenly there you two were. If it is meant for me to have a companion for the rest of my time here, then it will happen. I will just not worry about it, what will be, will be. Mike and I did not get the days we were looking forward to either., but I cannot change that. I can hope that I will be open to the beauty around me, and live life as best I can.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Harry, I don't know how I missed your post, but it is inspiring, you have a great attitude. I hope you find a way to enjoy so much for Jane as well as yourself. :)

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Dear friends,

I don't often get a chance to listen to "Bob Edwards' Weekend" all the way through. Sunday morning is my cleaning day. I vacuum everything, dust, do laundry--that kind of thing. But this morning I wanted a real break so i sat down with the newspaper and listened to his show on NPR. The main body was about understanding statistics--and I won't bore you with that.

But every week ends with an essay section called "This I believe." This morning a woman talked about her 88 year old father going into a mature living apartment building and how he fell in love with one of the other residents. He died about four years later when an aneurism ruptured. She talked about both he and his wife and how they had accepted the certain knowledge that one of them would experience loss again, but had followed their hearts.

It is a beautiful story. This will take you to it: http://thisibelieve.org/essay/54590/

I hope you will find it as moving and thoughtful as I did.



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Harry, thank you for that beautiful story. It just reminds me that life can be so wonderful, and the best things that happen to us, are sometimes totally unexpected.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Harry, I just read this essay. It is lovely. One never knows what life will bring.

Peace and thanks for sharing.


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"I learned from them that it is not easy to be old, and old hearts can break. I am in awe at how brave they were to risk falling in love with winter coming on."

Beautiful, Harry. Thank you so much for sharing this lovely story with all of us.

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Ditto from me!

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