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KayC....... early morning Shovelling, those were the days....we also had frigid cold and once in awhile,(2-3) times a winter,  we had to boost one car and then the other.....Now, another log on the fire and a Third cup of coffee.....

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:)  I used to drive my 4WD truck down the mountain, switch to my car for the commute.  Couldn't afford to drive that far with the truck's gas mileage, but the truck got me up and down the mountain in the snow.  Nice to have both vehicles home now.  If I get snowed in, so be it!  :)

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No snow in Phoenix, but I am longing to live in the mountains, snow be damned! I like retirement, but am bored as I have no friends. I would like to get a part time job, but it is difficult as all my employment skills were with the phone company for 40 years. Technology has passed me by.  LOL

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Karen, I worked medical transcription for 43 years.  My last supervisor said it was dying out.  She was president of our state's group.  I could not imagine voice recognition taking our place.  It could, it did, it is a poor substitute.  

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The White Mountains of Arizona used to get snow, sometimes three to four feet in one storm but last couple of years the total has been measured in inches. I don't know if we got two feet total in the last two years. Maybe El Niño will make up for it this year. Had a little the other night; didn't last long but enough it turned my car's roof a dingy white. 

But I grew up on the slopes of Utah so I love snow as long as I don't need to shovel too much. 

Edited by Brad
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The good thing about voice recognition is they have to learn to speak correctly or live with their own mistakes, the onus is on them!  :rolleyes:


Come on out!  I'd love to have you here in Oregon!


Is that where you live, in AZ?  I've heard Flagstaff gets snow, I lived in Phoenix for a short time, but no snow there!  We were elated if it rained!

We got six feet of snow at once the winter I was pregnant with my daughter, hope to never see that much at once again!  You're literally stranded.  A lot truck had to pull the snow plow out of a ditch!  My husband drove me to/from work in his little 2WD Datsun but then he was an expert, he taught equipment operation in snow (he worked for ODOT..the highway dept).  He had to chainsaw trees out of the road on our way down to work while I held the flashlight.  Survival days!  If he wasn't around I had to chain up my car and get myself to work, doing my own shoveling, pregnant or not!

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@kayc: Billy worked for Louisiana DOT.  He was supervisor of the laboratory.  I admired him because they told him he could tell the employees to go do stuff, but Billy would not tell anyone to do anything he would not do himself.  His blood pressure went down to normal levels after he retired.  He was never a type A person.  I am.  We always knew he would outlive all of us because he was laid back.  He never got in a hurry, but he got it done.  The only solace of his illness is that it did not drag out.  That was not like him.  How do we left behind survive?  I guess we "just do."

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We had over 4 feet of snow on my roof after one storm........then I saw the forecast had some mild weather coming. I decided I had better move the snow now before the weight doubled with the rain......It took three days to shovel the roof......and another three days to clear the compacted snow away from the house(if you could find a place to put it)the compacted snow was like concrete........we had snow, slush, and watery ice for about a week.....pushing vehicles, stuck or high centered.....those were the days...love front wheel drive now...

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Yeah, our roof had to be shoveled off or it would have collapsed under the weight.  They had a harder time getting it off the fiberglass patio roof (it is 30 1/2' by 14').  Hope not to ever see such storms again!

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