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Does This Happen?

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I would like to know if anyone else has or had this happen to them, the last few days, I am so cold, more with the hands and feet, sometimes all over. cant get warmed up, I just stay in bed with blankets and my fur babies for most of the day.


When Silence Is Broken Does Not The Soul Begin To Heal?

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It's strange you should bring this up. When I wake up, my hands are cold and so numb I can't pick up anything until I rub them and "shake" them out! This has been happening for about the last three months. Weird, huh? Maybe its nerves, I don't know.


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When I'm extra-stressed, I often get colder than normal ( though being rather chilly IS my norm! ), but also, being dehydrated can make you feel cold, too, and when grieving, we're not usually taking great care of ourselves. All that shedding of tears, without drinking lots of pure water to replenish it, can really add up!

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I got cold too in the beginning, but that's because I did't eat or anything. Right now, I've been crying all the day to the point where I get horrible stress headaches and feel extremely tired. I haven't taken any medicine for the headaches, I just sleep and feel better in the morning. I think stress plays a major role in body changes.

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Thank You eyeryone, for the great advice, I am getting the meals in a drink, and am not as cold anymore, also am drinking more water. Found out I have lost 25 pounds from the time I lost my Mom till now, so I am trying my best to take better care of myself.

Thanks again, Debbie


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Glad you're taking some steps to combat this and get your health going in the right direction. And wish I could say the same as you, but I went the OTHER way, and gained probably about 15 lbs.!! :o:angry: It's too depressing to get on the scale to find out exactly where I'm am, but I do know I've never been anywhere NEAR this heavy in my entire life! If I could only eat to correct my condition....! <_<

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For me, I didn't eat for at least 2 weeks and dropped about 15 lbs. But then I back to work, and with all the stresses, I started eating again, and gained all that weight back. Now I fear I'm on an upward spiral that I can't stop. This is just so stressful. I'm trying everyday to get myself back on track with eating right and sleeping right, but it's really tough.

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I did the same thing. Lost about 15 pounds, then started eating again and gained it back. But right now I couldn't care less. Just getting through each day as "happy" as I can is my big goal. And eating is "safer" than not eating, so I guess you have to try to take the bitter with the sweet! I was so thin my panties were hip huggers all of a sudden!

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You know, I find myself, searching for something each day to look forward too. The only thing that I've found is food. I think about going to my favorite place for lunch and just eating by myself and this helps me get out of bed. How sad is that, that I'm using food to get through this? Next thing I'll know, I'll be as big as a house. How sad? :( Epecially since I use to be a health nut and exercised every day. Just so depressing. :(

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Maylissa, Shubom, Shell

I have always only eaten one meal a day anyway, dont know why just the way I am I guess. I also am lucky that I have my horses or I would not be able to keep in shape :-)))) But those 50lbs.bags of feed and the 80lbs.bales of hay keep me pretty much in shape :-)))) If it were not for my furbabies I would not get out of bed.

Thanks again, Debbie

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geez i wish i had lost weight! it went the other way for me! :lol:

about the cold feeling though, yes when i go through my crying jags, and lose alot of water through tears, i get so cold i'm shaking. literally shaking. i get hives. i get headaches, dizzy even have trouble swallowing.

the upset combined with the general stress of the whole ordeal runs you down. this IMHO is exactly the time you MUST pull yourself up by the bootstraps and take care of your health.

drink plenty of water to flush your system, take your vitamins, eat at least one good healthy meal a day, snack sensibly (baby carrots instead of chips) God i sound like my mom! LOL but it's true. take a walk in the park, get your sleep and make sure you have adequate down time to do a hobby you enjoy.

your loved one would not want to see you end up in the hospital. i know my mom would be REALLY annoyed at me if i let that happen to myself all because she had to leave me to go on the next journey of her life. she always told me she'd worry that i wouldn't eat properly!

it takes discipline but you absolutely must get back on track or you will get sick. the cold feeling is normal as stress lowers your metabolism.

i was looking SO bad i looked started calling myself a ghost or corpse bride. so, i cut my hair, colored it because the roots were REALLY showing (i'm only 46 but my hair turned white/gray due to my ordeal with caring for my mom) so i put the red back in my hair (alright, burgundy, i 'fess up!) and every so often when i actually need to leave the house to go shopping or visit someone i put my eye makeup on. people told me i look much better and it took 20 yrs off my face (yeah right!) but it made me feel better.

it all takes discipline but you absolutely must take care of yourself. :)

if it wasn't for my work and my featherkidz, my life would've been over. so glad it all pulled me up.

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I absolutely agree with Maureen, I think stress makes you cold, and has lots of other side effects. By the time I go to bed I am itching like crazy and sometimes get welt like things that will be gone the next morning. Stress will tear you apart, so that's the first thing to try to control, though it seems impossible at times! And it is important to try to take care of your health. I know there are days you just don't care, but we all have to think that SOMEDAY (no matter how long it takes to get there) we may care again and won't want to be sick.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I know its been a while since this topic was posted, but I just found it.

Innatentive stupid male. Maybe that's a symptom.

I've lost poundage (sorry, went from a size 42 pant size to a 40, maybe shall be a 38 come Spring.) and also feel cold, but also numbness in my hands (like they've gone to sleep.) Its annoying. No other extremity problems, though.

Panic attacks, ALOT. Grief attacks. Breathing issues connected with those.

Good grief. Everyday is a Monday.

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Funny you should bring up the numbness in your hands. I'm having the same problem. Every morning I wake up my hands are totally numb, asleep. It takes me awhils to shake them out and get normal again! Weird, huh?

I've also had lifetime problems with panic attacks. Had them controlled for a long time until my dad died. Kept together through all his care and then about two weeks after his death I fell apart. All the tricks I had used in the past to control the attacks were NOT working. Spent about a week and a half in total panic and finally called my doctor, who put me on meds. I have always resisted meds, but I didn't care this time and HAD to get myself back together to take care of my mom and our fur babies. Worked out really well for me, such a relief not to have to worry about them anymore, but I'm not recommending them for everyone, of course. But for me it got so bad I had no other choice. Have you talked to your doctor about your attacks?


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Hi Shell, you said: "Funny you should bring up the numbness in your hands. I'm having the same problem. Every morning I wake up my hands are totally numb, asleep. It takes me awhils to shake them out and get normal again! Weird, huh?"

One wierdness of it is that it happens mostly during the night when I wake up. I think its because of how I sleep. I never noticed before Mom died of what my position is when I wake up, but now I do. I'm on my stomach and my arms are curled around the pillow, hugging it. I'm thinking that's just circ being cut off and they fall asleep, but it also happens when I'm playing "Space Invaders" on an alcohol recovery website. (They have a game room over there. :blush: )

I haven't spoken to my doc (no health insurance yet) but I'd rather not try meds. The attacks pass after a fashion and I gather they are just part of the territory. As a recovering alkie, (almost 4 years sober) I'm a little wary of taking meds. That's just my opinion for me, if you or others need to and can without risk, groovy.

The only med I need about now is time, as in its passing along.

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Weirdness again....I too sleep on my stomach hugging my pillow. I thought the same thing you did about cutting off circulation. But, like you, I notice a numbness at other times too. Not that complete asleep thing like the morning, but just a numbness. Maybe it's stress.

Congrats on your four years of sobriety! I can totally understand why you would avoid meds. That shows what a strong person you are, and that strength will get you through this too.

Hugs to ya,


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Hiya, shell.

You said, re: my 4 years of sobriety: "That shows what a strong person you are, and that strength will get you through this too."

I know, but there are days and days when I just wanna give up. Just so you know, your admonitions to 'hang in there' help. When I feel weak, that little thought wafts into my brain, along with similar thoughts by what's-her-name in Alberta :D and I get thru...

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Hi Paul,

I know, there are days when I feel strong and that I will make it through all of this and then the next day I'm an emotional mess. Or sometimes I can do that several times in one day! The old roller coaster. I'm glad my hang in theres help. It's funny, but when I talk about this site and how much it's helped or quote something someone said, it is usually you or "whats her name in Alberta" (haha). I honestly feel like you are friends of mine. It's wonderful and has helped so much in the loneliness, all my friends deserted me, etc. department.



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Hey, Everyone! It's good ol' "What's her name"! :rolleyes:

Just thougth I'd mention that our metabolisms sometimes slow down when under stress, so that may account for the cold and numb extremeties, as the circulation also slows down. A word of caution for the ladies - hypothyroidism is commoner among us, especially as we age, and stress like this can bring it on ( trust me, this is something you don't want to have to contend with! ), so take kelp, seaweed, etc. ( you can always do a Google on iodine sources - but stay away from regular table salt as a source ) while you're stressed, as a preventative to this disease. Just a handy tip from 'Dr.' M!

And Paul - that not only shows your inner strength, but your smarts, too! By comparison, my Mom's stupid GP started giving her sleeping pills, of all things, YEARS ago, knowing full well she was addicted to booze. I could have choked him for that! Goooood combination for an alkie, huh? And then they wonder why people get sicker!

And after that little tangent, now you can get me back on topic again. ^_^

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Hey, whoever-you-are :P

Interesting that she was able to take sleeping pills at all. I read somewhere, and also heard in AA meetings, PLUS from personal experience, that alkies shouldn't take sleeping pills.

Whenever I took 'em while drinking, just as I was aboot to fall asleep, I would jerk awake. (I think that's called a 'myoclonic jerk'. Don't ask how I discovered that.)

Same thing happened after I sobered up. No big deal afterall, as I clearly don't sleeping pills anymore.

My Mom suffered from hypothyroidism during her last year.

Anyway, take care, and 'hang in there'.

The Myoclonic Jerk. :wacko:

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Thanks for the thyroid tip. I'm having some blood work done next month and will ask about a thyroid test.

Yeah, there are some really smart docs out there, huh? Sleeping pills and booze, great combo! That's why I have such a hard time trusting anything or anyone in the medical field!


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  • 1 month later...

I am not having feelings of numbness or cold.. but every since Dad's funeral 3 weeks ago.. I am NAUSEATED off and on ALL day long.. when I wake up on one day I am nauseated, the next day it's after I eat brkfst, the next day after I eat lunch, the next after supper.. what is up with my gut???Then, of course the abdmonial cramping is always a joy..




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Though not quite the same, I get G.I. disturbances whenever I'm stressed. G.I. stuff seems to run in my family, so I guess I'm prone to it, too. So it's not nausea but definitely intestinal, and it always acts up more during emotional upheaval. This is very common in alot of people, so perhaps your nausea is a similar dysfunction. According to Louise L. Hay, a metaphysical lecturer and teacher, nausea is emotionally related to fear and rejection of an idea or experience, so that could be a clue for you. My own problem is related to the same, plus 'running off'.

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Like Maylissa, I too get intestinal problems when under stress. (Maylissa, is is any surprise we would have that in common too?!) So most likely yours is related to stress too. It's weird how it is progressing from waking to breakfast to lunch to dinner....is your stress getting better, in the sense that you are less stressful until later in the day? Like at first I was stressed from the moment I woke up, but as time went on, I could stay calmer until later in the day, when I would start getting tired and worn out from all the daily problems and stuff.


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