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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Can't quit the ones we love

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I saw my counselor today and we talked about the never ending connections to our loves.  I told her I was addicted to Steve.  Had been just about from when I met him.  From our history, he was to me too and told me so.  Times that should have torn anyone apart happened and we would part but it never lasted.  Anyway, she said the addiction analogy was accurate and grief is the withdrawl.  One thing about being an addict is it will never end.  Once one, always one.  It may get better, but the craving will never end.  

Unfortunately, we will not be presented with indulging our addiction again.  No possibility of that.  What an irony that a good addiction is not something we want to keep under control. I wanted mine to continue because it was actually good for me.

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Yes it was good for you Gwen for it is more than an addiction, way more. I sometimes wonder if I just refuse to go cold turkey for I keep indulging myself with pieces of Kathy. It's something I will bring up when I meet with my grief counselor in two weeks. Yes I'm going back because my hospice counselor has started her own practice and frankly I could use a tune up.

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Gwen, I think we all crave love. Like Robert Palmer sang, we're all "addicted to love". Then, when we find our one and only true soul mate, that connection is so incredibly powerful and as you said, addicting and intoxicating. It's like a drug without the unwanted side effects!

I never really thought about my love for Tammy as being addictive before but I understand what you mean. I crave that love we shared. I crave her scent and her soft skin and her smiles. So in that sense, we all are suffering withdrawal symptoms. But of course, it's much deeper and long lasting and brutally intense and so very painful.

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Gwen I can totally relate to the addiction part,all I can think about is Kevin, he has consumed my every thought now that he is gone, this addiction is so painful at times though but it does bring me comfort when I think about him so it has its positives at least for me.

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