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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by Maryo

  1. Hi Joanne, I am very sorry to hear about your Mom. I lost my Dad at age 14 then my Mom died a year and a half later. I never understood why my Mom could not stop crying. Then I lost my husband a little over a year ago and then I realized how my Mom felt. I understand only to well about grief. As time goes on things will get easier. I am thankful that my Mom and Dad did not suffer. I pray to them all the time and know they are watching over me and I am sure your Mom will be there for you also. Take care. Mary Lou
  2. Dear Valley, I just wanted to say that I was thinking of you today, because I have just past my first year and I know it is hard, I am glad your Son and Daughter are able to be with you. I also have a daughter and it is such a big help to me. I don't know what I would do with out her. I will add you to my prayers tonight. Take care Mary Lou
  3. Hi LostLuv, Your posting really moved me. You did so much for you husband. I don't think you could have done any more. It's ok if you get all dressed up and can't go out the door. It has happened to me more then once. Things will get better, but it takes time so please don't be to hard on yourself. Take care. Mary Lou
  4. Fredzgirl, It will get better. I has been a little over a year for me. My dreams at first were upsetting but now when I dream and do see my husband I try to see if there is a hidden meaning. Some times they make no sense and sometimes I think he might be trying to guide me. Lots of times I know I have had a dream but can't remember what or who was in them. I still cry, but I feel better after. When my husband was in ICU they would not always let me see him. I also have keep a few articles of clothing that mean something to me. Tomorrow is my 55th birthday and my official retirement day from work. It's a bitter sweet day but I am going to spend it with my daughter. Take your time with everything and have as many naps as possible. Praise yourself at the end of each day. You will discover you can do things you never thought you could. That always helped me. Life will be hard for a while, but the hurt will not be as strong as it is in the early stages. And the love is always there. Take care. Mary Lou
  5. Thank you Mary Linda A few tears but it was worth it. Mary
  6. Teny, I have seen the fires on the news. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Stay safe. Mary
  7. Korina, The words you have written about Scott are beautiful. I also wrote something for my husband over a year ago but was not able to say the words myself. You are a very brave person and I wish you all the best at the memorial service. Mary
  8. Hi Kimi, I am pretty new to this group also. My husband died a little over a year ago. I am so sorry for your loss, This is a lovely, kind and understanding group. I don't always post but it is very comforting to read all the encouraging words. When I felt like crying I never held back, and it helped. It is all part of healing. Take care. Mary
  9. Hi Korina, Kay, Kath, Valley and Boo, I read all the posting twice to Korina. We are in very good hands. I want to thank everyone for all the inspiration words. Sometimes you read something and it touches your heart because there is not a clear reason why we have to experience all this sorrow, but maybe we are the stronger ones as so lovely put by Kay and I would not want my husband to go through what I am going through because I loved him that much. Hope that makes sense? Mary
  10. Thanks Marsha, I think you have made me understand a little better that loneliness is a big part of this journey. I am thankful when I spend time with my daughter but I always feel a deep rooted sorrow. I know that with time this feeling will be a little less intense. I can now look in the mirror most days and see me staring back and not a stranger. I am trying to see myself as a single person. I am my own chief now and that was not something I would have asked for. All we can do is take one day at a time. Mary Lou
  11. Hi Marsha and everyone, Because I have passed the one year mark also I thought everything would be so much better and 2 days later after alot of crying I realized that I still needed more time to grieve. My crying is not over but it is less often and most times I can go on with my day. I made it through all the important dates but it is not over yet. I realized that I am very glad to still be here and am trying to think of all things to look foreward to in the future. But I do get lonely and that can be the hardest part of all. It is very nice to speak to people who are going through this hard journey also. Mary
  12. Hello Marty and everyone in this special group. Thank - you so much for all your kind words. I hope I am sending this in the correct spot. First time is a bit confusing. Mary
  13. Hello everyone. My name is Mary and tomorrow is a special day for my daughter and myself. It will be one year that my husband passed away at age 57. We will go to the cemetery and then have a good cry. We have gone through many emotions over the year. When I look back it was the toughest time of our life but we have survived it and have learned so much. I have learned to take one day at a time and when you wake up and it feels like you are having a bad day have a good cry and then try and find something good in the day. I have learned to tell my daughter every day that I love her. I am not a stranger to grief. I lost both my parents by the age of 16. I have lost my best friend and I miss the most not talking with him. I am hopeful the next year will be better. Thanks for letting me share this with you. Mary
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